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极性并不重要。Polarity isn't important.

连接导入电流的正电极。An electric terminal with positive polarity.

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怎么确定初级线圈的极性?How to find the polarity of the primary coil ?

它应该告诉了你,首先,这是一根极性键。It tells you that, first of all, there is polarity here.

一个正极性的直流电压加于该电极上。A positive polarity dc voltage is applied to the electrodes.

在测试和设计中,我们都能找到很强的对立性。Like with design, with testing also, we find a huge polarity.

这种反义词的特点是语义二极性。Antonyms of this kind are characteristic of semantic polarity.

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分子的疏水性跟分子的体积和极性有关。The hydrophobicity is related to molecular volume and polarity.

而且中天山南缘洋盆俯冲极性应向北。The south Tianshan ocean polarity of subduction is south to north.

任何创造物中的两极摆动均从吸收到呼出?圈。Swings in polarity in any creation go from in-breath to out-breath.

在此基础上设计了三值ECL极性变换电路。Then, the ternary ECL polarity transformation circuits are designed.

德日荣组上部为反向极性带。The upper part of the Derirong Formation is a reversed polarity zone.

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在周期的最后,磁场的两极快速翻转。At the end of a cycle, the magnetic field rapidly reverses its polarity.

铬镀层铬镀层对钢铁零件为阴极性镀层。Chrome plating chromium plating for steel parts for Yin polarity coating.

目的首次对甘肃醉鱼草低极性成分进行了研究。Objective To analyze the low polarity components from Buddleja purdomii W.

这样就可以断定开路导体两端的极性。The polarity of the ends of the open-circuit conductor may then be deduced.

目的研究青芹籽低极性部位的主要化学成分。Aim To investigate the low polarity components from seeds of Apium graveolens.

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彼此都有着巨大的吸引力,但双方都是固定星座,这也势必会产生矛盾。Polarity attraction, but you are both fixed signs that can cause difficulties.

离子液体的极性大则会诱导异丙苯过氧化氢分解,降低其选择性。The CHP could be induced to decompose by the ionic liquids with high polarity.

它的图案是两个权杖,或两只手臂或两个肺叶。It shows two staves or two arms or both lungs. One feels parallel polarity issuse.