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因此方帆船无法逆风航行。Therefore square-riggers cannot sail upwind.

不吸烟的老是坐在吸烟的下风口。A non-smoker among smokers will always be upwind.

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这些风筝迎风飞翔,多美的景色啊!The kites fly upwind. How beautiful the scene is!

在火头前方存在逆风区。There exits an upwind zone in front of fire front.

逆风更好,能让你远离毒气。Upwind is better to keep away from any poisonous fumes.

那三只狼紧紧挨着,顶风离去。The three wolves moved off upwind in a tight little group.

即使与指定的吸烟区域很接近,你仍能因为处于上风向而避免接触。even close to a designated smoking area, you can avoid exposure by being upwind.

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于是参谋部下令,接下来科隆上空的任务中,要让飞机最后的轰炸航程逆风进行。So the staff ordered the next mission over Cologne to make its final approach upwind.

利用高精度差分格式求解了可压缩N-S方程球头热流问题。A high order accurate upwind compact difference scheme for N-S equations is developed.

研究表明,侧滑使机翼迎风侧涡绞合推迟,涡提前破裂,背风侧正好相反。Results show that sideslip makes twisting of vortices at upwind side delayed, but bursting of.

尤其是沙丘的迎风面非常光滑。The upwind side of the smaller dunes are smoother and steeper than the downwind, or lee, side.

批评者很久以前就已经提出警告,位于东京上风带的滨冈核电站很有可能发生事故。Critics have long warned of a possible accident at the Hamaoka plant, which is upwind of Tokyo. Mr.

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在迎风型格式和矢通量分裂技术的基础之上,对捕捉激波方法进行一种新的尝试。A new shock-capturing method was proposed which is based on upwind schemes and flux-vector splittings.

对温盐双扩散系统的对流扩散问题采用了罚函数迎风有限元数值方法模拟。A penalty upwind finite element method is adopted to deal with the thermohalinedouble-diffusive system.

本工作是用作者提出的迎风格式计算轴对称喷管的定常超音流动问题的一个尝试。This paper is on an application of the upwind difference scheme proposed by the author in a previous paper.

在烟火的逆风角度去拍摄,以保证烟雾不能掩盖住你想要捕捉的迸发瞬间。Photograph from upwind of the fireworks so that smoke doesn't obscure the explosions you're trying to capture.

建立了数值耗散较小的介于迎风格式和中心格式之间的半离散格式。This semi-discrete scheme is situated between upwind scheme and central scheme with a lower numerical dissipation.

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作出经济决策并从中受益的人显然是占上风,而占下风的人则要为此付出代价。Those who take economic decisions and benefit from them are typically upwind those who bear the costs are downwind.

基于一阶迎风格式平面二维河道溃口水流模拟,建立了非均匀沙模型并用于模拟平面二维溃堤水流泥沙及河床变形。Based on the first order upwind scheme, the paper establishes a set of horizontal 2-D uneven sediment mathematical model in dike burst.

Mikkelsen博士的工作将能使单个的风机组扫描风向,并且调整风轮的叶片姿态到最佳位置。Dr Mikkelsen is working on a way for individual generators to scan the air upwind and adjust the position of their blades in anticipation.