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你也能说菲律宾语对吗?You speak Filipino too, right?

菲律宾和菲律宾籍考生踊跃申请。Filipino and Filipina candidates encouraged to apply.

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中国会把所有菲佣弄去岩石翻唱乐队!China will take all Filipino maids and rock cover bands !

杜特尔特出卖菲律宾领土,真是个强硬的领导人呢。Duterte gave Filipino territory away what a tough leader.

“勇敢的菲佣—玛丽亚”是一篇富有教育意义的文章。"The Brave Filipino Maid-Maria"is an instructive article.

我继承了我老爸菲律宾式的鼻子,还有对恶作剧的酷爱。My dad gave me a Filipino nose and his passion for pranks.

那两群人是菲律宾籍劳工和同性恋者。Those groups are Filipino migrant workers and homosexuals.

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一个菲佣在被判谋杀之后被处决。A Filipino maid was executed after being convicted of murder.

菲律宾舞蹈服装很重要,讲故事,而跳舞。Filipino dance costumes are important to tell stories while dancing.

我现在拼命的学菲律宾话,那可全是为了你啊。I now fights study Filipino words, that may be whole because of you.

这里有一些Eric给的提示和智语提供给有志于菲律宾创业的人Here are some of Eric’s tips and words of wisdom for aspiring Filipino startups

他是我们眼中对抗巨人Goliath的大卫,他是我们的英雄,承载着菲律宾的梦想……He is our David against Goliath, our hero and the bearer of the Filipino dream....

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1923年,佩德罗弗洛雷斯,一个菲律宾裔人,开始建设溜溜在美国达索。In 1923, Pedro Flores, a man of Filipino descent, began building yo-yos in America.

这意味着将有两个英国人,一名菲律宾籍和匈牙利在准决赛。It means there will be two Englishmen, one Filipino and a Hungarian in the semi-finals.

和它的菲律宾同伴一样,热带大雕把巢筑在最大的树顶上。Like its Filipino cousm, the harpy eagle nests in the tops of the largest forest trees.

我的瑞士亲戚也进了菲律宾籍,但依然保持瑞士籍。This relative has become a Filipino citizen but she still retains her Swiss citizenship.

伊利亚娜的原籍是巴拿马,而迈克尔的母亲有一半西班牙血统和一半菲律宾血统。Iliana is originally from Panama, and Michael’s mother is half Spanish and half Filipino.

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菲律宾国立大学学生因教育预算删减而发动罢课。Education budget cuts prompted Filipino students to stage a strike in public universities.

卡洛斯·布洛桑是一个多产的菲律宾裔美国作家和工人运动的积极组织者。Bulosan was a prolific Filipino writer and protective organizer of labor movement in America.

朱莉娅,是一条由狮子狗和日本银狐杂交而成的小狗,她正穿着菲律宾的民族服饰等待出场。Julia, a Shih Tzu-Japanese Spitz cross, dressed in a native Filipino costume waits for her turn.