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巴菲特和索科尔存在一些共同点。Messrs. Buffett and Sokol have some things in common.

该报告给人一种巴菲特被索科尔欺骗的印象。The report paints a picture of Buffett as having been duped by Sokol.

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我发现索科尔是一位非常出色的管理人士,在打造企业方面卓有成效。I found Sokol to be a brilliant executive, a company builder who gets results.

索科尔和中美公司的其他管理者被证明是谈判高手。Mr. Sokol and the other MidAmerican managers proved to be tough bargainers. Mr.

法律专家称看起来索科尔面临的麻烦事比最初想象的要多。Legal experts said Sokol appears to be in more trouble now than was first thought.

这段评论说明索科尔已失去了理智,但更为爆料的新闻接踵而来。This comment established Sokol as off his rocker, but the bigger news was to come.

除了删除的那段话,索科尔先生对这则新闻稿的准确性别无异议。Except for that deletion, Mr. Sokol concurred in the accuracy of the press release.

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我发现索科尔是一位很杰出的管理者,更是一位能够达到目标的公司建设者。Fix-It. " I found Sokol to be a brilliant executive, a company builder who gets results."

在巴菲特宣布消息的时候,他说他相信索科尔未曾做过任何不合法的事。When Buffett made that announcement, he said he believed Sokol had not done anything unlawful.

在摘录中,索科尔提到,他学到的最重要的一点是,在制定商业决策时,要抛开个人情感。A key lesson Sokol mentioned in the excerpt was the importance of removing emotion from business decisions.

在此类问题得到回答前,我们不知道索科尔是否真的参与了什么非法活动。Until we know the answers to these types of questions, we won't know whether Sokol engaged in any kind of illegal activity.

索科尔周四接受CNBC采访时坚称,自己购买路博润股票时,并没有掌握任何“内部消息”。Speaking on CNBC on Thursday, Mr Sokol insisted he had not been party to any “inside information” when buying the Lubrizol shares.

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索科尔告诉巴菲特,他根本没有幻想能够成为巴菲特的继承人,提出辞职的原因与那些交易完全无关。Mr. Sokol told Mr. Buffett that he had not hoped to be Mr. Buffett's successor, and was resigning for reasons unrelated to those trades.

伯克希尔公司董事会称,他们还在考虑对索科尔采取法律行动,除其他事项之外,要求归还在此事件上获得的所有收益。The Berkshire board said it was still considering legal action against Sokol to, among other things, recover any trading profits he made.

但对多数投资者来说,索科尔只是个名不见经传的人物,很多人会问,到时候还会不会有40,000人每年跑到奥马哈来,花五个小时的时间听索科尔指点江山。One question many ask is whether 40,000 people would come to Omaha every year to listen to Sokol opine for five hours on all things under the sun.

这样的成就绝难出自一位意志薄弱者,而索科尔——正如我所见,一个充满动力的高管——曾激怒了很多人。You don't get those kinds of results by being a milquetoast, and Sokol -- as driven an executive as I've met -- rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

三月份,巴菲特宣布索科尔离职消息的时候,提到过索科尔在向巴菲特推荐要求伯克希尔购买Lubrizol公司股票之前个人购买了该公司的股票。Buffett announced Sokol's resignation in March, noting that Sokol bought shares in Lubrizol before suggesting to Buffett that Berkshire buy the company.

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该报告给人一种巴菲特被索科尔欺骗的印象。但是,一位股东说它也有刻意为巴菲特的错误推脱的印象。The report paints a picture of Buffett as having been duped by Sokol. However, one shareholder said it was also crafted to exonerate Buffett from wrongdoing.

尽管伯克希尔现任CEO沃伦•巴菲特表示自己在短期内没有退休的计划,不过在索科尔辞职前,很多人都深信他很有可能是巴菲特继任者的候选人之一。While current CEO Warren Buffett has said he has no plans to retire any time soon, many believed that Sokol would be a likely candidate for Buffett's successor.

他登上公共汽车——另一台公共汽车——在一个晴朗的夏天的傍晚,靠近索克尔地铁车站的地方,去了那个天堂般的度假胜地,他的女儿就呆在那里。He got on the bus—another bus—on a fine summer evening, somewhere near the Sokol metro station, and rode it to the paradisiacal spot where his daughter was staying.