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那对孪生子准搞错了。The twins were mistaken.

我显然是错误的.I was apparently mistaken.

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他们是错误的。In this they are mistaken.

这种忧虑是错误的。But this dread is mistaken.

恐怕你搞错了。I'm afraid you are mistaken.

德纳第没有搞错。Thenardier was not mistaken.

这意味着我可能认错人了。Which means I could be mistaken.

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我希望我没有搞错日子。I hope I've not mistaken the day.

你可能错怪了它们。You could be mistaken about them!

如果你这样想,你是绝对错误了。If so, you are grievously mistaken.

厥后我瞅见我错了。Later I came to see I was mistaken.

在这点上她是不会错的。She could not be mistaken about it.

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我想你那样不合纰缪。i think you're mistaken about that.

我一定是误解了你的意思了。I must have mistaken what you meant.

如果用户真的弄错了呢?What if the user really is mistaken?

对不起,我错怪你了。I am sorry, I was mistaken about you.

好意很容易被误解为爱情。Kindness is easily mistaken for love.

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声名狼藉常被误认为鼎鼎大名。Notoriety is often mistaken for fame.

你一定是误会了我的意图了。You must have mistaken my intentions.

我们是否曾误将朋友当作敌人Have we ever mistaken a friend for enemy?