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来吧,壮大力量。Come, strengthen the power.

我们的股票一直十分坚挺。Our stocks still strengthen.

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第一,进一步坚定信心。Further strengthen confidence.

增强物料的紧密度、光洁度。Strengthen material, the close.

告诉自己崾坚强。Tell self to need to strengthen.

我会尽力心强志坚。I will try to strengthen my mind.

切实加强文件宣贯工作。Strengthen the paper work Publicizing.

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要加强分类指导。Second, strengthen classified guidance.

而用氟化物漱口则能够使其坚固。A fluoride rinse can help strengthen it.

加强执法监督力度。Strengthen law enforcement surveillance.

该如何强化及净化悦性?How to strengthen and purify the sattva ?

大家尽力加强团结。Every effort was made to strengthen unity.

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每一次你想到它便更强化它。You strengthen it every time you think it.

在这个基础上,我们加强了纪律。On this basis we strengthen our discipline.

用宗教信仰来夯实你的意愿。Strengthen your will with religious beliefs.

第三,切实加强核安全国际合作。Third, strengthen international cooperation.

要注重健康,加强你的健康。Focus on your health. Strengthen your health.

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在加强党建方面创先争优。In terms of A Good strengthen party building.

那么,我们如何加强自身的怀疑技能呢?So how do we strengthen our skeptical skills?

或者它可以加强花钱打井的集体的势力。Or it can strengthen the group paid to dig it.