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很有可能思索到基督教信仰是受到密特拉神信仰的影响。There is much speculation that Christian beliefs were influenced by Mithraic belief.

当他们回归,他们奉献于密特拉神,很可能是在公元71或72年。When they returned home, they made Mithraic dedications , probably in the year 71 or 72.

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密特拉的避难所和陵墓建立在美索不达米亚上部的赫拉城里。Mithraic sanctuaries and mausoleums were built in the city of Hatra in upper Mesopotamia.

当他们回归,他们奉献于密特拉神,很可能是在公元71或72年。D. When they returned home, they made Mithraic dedications , probably in the year 71 or 72.

出土于尼撒,后来命名为密特拉达克特,打开了密特拉陵墓和神殿。Excavations in Nisa, later renamed Mithradatkirt, have uncovered Mithraic mausoleums and shrines.

很多人也留意罗马教宗的头衔也在密特拉的教义上找到,表明上地在基督教教义是禁止的。Many have noted that the title of Pope is found in Mithraic doctrine and seemingly prohibited in Christian doctrine.

很可能是在这个时候,公元前250—100,密特拉的仪式和教条系统,被保留着。It was probably at this period, 250-100 b. c. , that the Mithraic system of ritual and doctrine took the form which it afterward retained.

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其中一个最大的密特拉教庙宇现在位于圣克莱门教堂之下,在罗马圆形大剧场附近。One of the largest Mithraic temples built in Italy now lies under the present site of the Church of St. Clemente, near the Colosseum in Rome.

密特拉教庙宇的遗迹可以在整个罗马帝国找到,从巴勒斯坦到北非,通过欧洲中部进入英国北部。Remains of Mithraic temples can be found throughout the Roman Empire, from Palestine across north of Africa, and across central Europe to northern England.

近期在伦敦的沃布溪岸边,一个曾经是罗马殖民地城墙中心发现并且揭示了密特拉教庙宇的遗迹。Recent excavations in London have uncovered the remains of a Mithraic temple near to the center of the once walled Roman settlement, on the bank of the Walbrook stream.

巴比伦人也把他们的命数与密特拉教的祖瓦——波斯无限时间之神和阿胡玛兹达以及阿里曼等众神之父的祭礼合成一体。The Babylonians also incorporated their belief in destiny into the Mithraic worship of Zurvan, the Persian god of infinite time and father of the gods Ahura-Mazda and Ahriman.