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现在我还用它来涂身上的淤青和小擦伤。I use it now to besmear of body or scrape.

现在的心情就像涂在手上的润手霜。Mood now like besmear in the hands of embellish hand cream.

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涂上冷冻液,大约45分钟后去掉弹力绷带。Besmear freezing liquid, about 45 minutes remove elastic bandage.

记住在戴围巾和手套耳套之前,要涂上乳液。Before remembering wearing scarf and glove earcap , want the latex on besmear.

在所有木制品在安装后,要马上涂刷一遍油漆。In all wood products in after installation, besmear again immediately to paint.

用清油再次均匀地涂刷墙面,不需太厚。Besmear equably again with edible vegetable oil brush metope, do not need too thick.

局部涂碘甘油等药物以消除炎症。The medicaments such as local besmear iodic glycerine in order to eliminate inflammation.

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管外壁先涂防锈漆、再涂黄色醇酸漆。The outer wall of pipeline just apply the antirust paint besmear again, yellow alkyd paint.

在游泳或大量出汗后别忘了重复补涂产品。Did not forget to duplicate filling besmear product after swim or a large number of perspiring.

另外将牙膏涂在苹果表面当清洁剂,这个办法也很好用。Become toothpaste besmear in malic surface additionally cleaner, this method is very good also with.

同时,眼影盒里的棉棒可以用来涂眼线,或遮瑕霜。In the meantime, the cotton club in eye shadow box can use besmear look line, or block defect frost.

你问他涂粉色指甲油好还是浅紫色指甲油好,他通常会一脸茫然。You ask him besmear pink nail polish good or shallow purple nail polish good, he usually bewildered.

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屋门最多是贴“麒麟送子”像,两个傅粉涂脂梳太子冠的娃娃,各乘麒麟。Pushes up is a stick "kylin SongZi" like, two FuFen besmear fat comb taizi crown doll, each take kirin.

即在胶结软木的表面涂装UV清漆或色漆或光敏清漆PVA。Install UV varnish or paint or photosensitive varnish PVA in besmear of cementation corky surface namely.

凡没有条件镀锌时,应在每次使用后用煤油洗涤,在涂上机油防锈。Whosoever shall, when no conditions galvanized in after each use kerosene catharsis, in besmear on oil rust.

胀套在装配之前所有相关零件表面必须清洗干净,并稍稍涂油。All distend cover of relevant parts surface before assembling must be washes clean, and ratherish besmear the oil.

如果短期之内不饮用,也可在塞缘处涂上白蜡封口,再裹以胶布。If short-term inside don't drink, also can be in plug in besmear pewters flanges and then covered with tape sealing.

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因此,不少石农进行人为加工,钻洞、涂刷、上色来冒充的,也多是此类。As a result, many Shi Nong artificial processing, drill hole, besmear to brush paint, to pretend to be, also is such.

晚上入睡前涂消炎眼膏,如金霉素、红霉素眼膏等。Before falling asleep in the evening, besmear antiphlogistic eye creams, if aureomycin, erythromycin eye creams, wait.

向里的一面墙壁涂成桔红色,浴缸外面的筑合是蓝色马赛克,桌子是黄色。To the one side wall in besmear becomes nacarat , outside bath crock build closing is blue mosaic, the table is yellow.