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把人分类。Pigeonhole people.

这是一个抑压的时代。These it is one that restrain era that pigeonhole.

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令人惊奇的是,这同样是鸽子洞原理的运用!Amazingly, this is also about the pigeonhole principle!

每间客房的钥匙就是保存在相应的格子里的。The key to each room is kept in the appropriate pigeonhole.

它打破规则和惯例,是不可能扣压。It breaks rules and conventions and is impossible to pigeonhole.

据鸽子洞原理,有2个数字必然相同。By the pigeonhole principle, two of the numbers must be the same.

由鸽子洞原理,至少有2只有相同的颜色。By the pigeonhole principle, at least two must be of the same color.

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鸽子洞原理是分析数学组合的有力工具。The pigeonhole principle is a powerful tool used in combinatorial math.

亨利上校有劳斯鲁特费心之处,是因为他不太符合这个框框。Captain henry bothered slote because he did not quite fit the pigeonhole.

另外一种版本的鸽子洞原理迟早也能碰到。There is another version of the pigeonhole principle that comes in handy.

换句话说,存在超过一个鸽子对应于一个鸽子洞的一个值。In other words, there has to be some value of more than one pigeons per pigeonhole.

现在我们对鸽子洞原理有了较好的理解,现在来是怎么运用的。Now that we have a good grasp on the pigeonhole principle, let's see how it can be used.

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西方或许过分想将普京归为自由主义者、中央经济统治论者或者克格勃。The west may have tried too hard to pigeonhole Mr Putin, as a liberal, statist or KGB man.

根据鸽子洞原理,其中的2只火鸡体重最接近于精确到百万分之一磅的数值。By the pigeonhole principle, two of those turkeys must have the same weight to the nearest millionth.

由鸽子洞原理,其中的两个数字必来自于同一组,即其和是9。By the pigeonhole principle, two of the numbers must be from the same pair–which by construction sums to 9.

由鸽子洞原理,至少有2个点属于同一个半块的橙子,加上原先的两点切点,总共是4个点在同一个半块上。By the pigeonhole principle, at least two of them belong to the same hemisphere, bringing the total to 4 points.

本公司专业制造人造板压贴用不锈钢模板。Our company professional to make wood- base plate pigeonhole and stick to and spend the stainless steel template.

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据此,由鸽子洞原理表明,至少有2个WordPress.com博客每年的评论数相同。Thus, the pigeonhole principle implies at least two blogs must have the same number of yearly comments.

剪线机构与压脚联动,不会出现断针和损坏剪刀的现象。Cut line or g anization with pigeonhole foot link, will present, break the needle and damage the phenomenon of the scissors.

根据鸽子洞原理,这个点要么至少与其它三个点相连,要么至少没有与其它三个点相连。By the pigeonhole principle, the point is either connected to at least three other points or not connected to at least three other points.