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这次会开得生动活泼。It was a lively meeting.

市场相当活跃。The market is quite lively.

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这是一份充满趣味的职业。It's a very lively profession.

我是一个活泼开朗,热情好客的女孩。I am a lively and friendly girl.

我发现这个女孩头脑灵活。I find the girl has a lively mind.

活泼的红,甜美的粉,天真的蓝。Lively red, sweet pink naive blue.

小刚出生的宝宝们通常是活泼的。Young kid are not applying lively.

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儿童们往往有丰富的幻想力。Children usually have lively fancy.

瞧,我们惟妙惟肖的英语课本剧表演真棒!How lively we act the English play!

我不同意,大城镇更加充满活力。I disagree, a big town is more lively.

这孩子既健康又活泼。The child is lively as well as healthy.

她用泥做了一只栩栩如生的狗。She formed a lively dog out of the clay.

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他能在五分钟内画出一只栩栩如生的猫。He can draw a lively cat in five minutes.

青草地一片青翠,笑得真清脆。When the meadows laugh with lively green.

她在小提琴上奏出明快的节奏。She rippled a lively rhythm on the violin.

感恩,因为心境的明快,笑嫣常开。I feel grateful because of the lively heart.

她生动叙述了自己惊险刺激的事。She gave a lively account of her adventures.

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这个小女孩既健康又活泼。The young girl is lively as well as healthy.

这些活蹦乱跳的孩子就够你成天忙碌了。These lively children keep you on your toes.

如何利用树叶编织制作栩栩如生的草蜢。How to make a lively grasshopper with leaves.