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这个动作会让他旋转起来,失去控制。The motion would make him gyrate out of control.

你今天可以瞥见一些端倪,如全世界的股市跳水。You can see the beginnings of this today as stock markets around the world gyrate.

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研究人员在老鼠死后发现锯齿状脑迴内神经元生长的证据。In postmortems, the researchers found evidence of neuron growth in the dentate gyrate.

市场在欧元区倒闭的恐惧以及政治解决方案出台的谣言影响下持续跌宕起伏。Markets continued to gyrate amid fears of a euro-zone meltdown and rumours of a political solution.

经济学家可能都忙着关注市场运转,无瑕思考上个月的科技界要闻。Economists were probably too busy watching markets gyrate to contemplate last month’s big news in science.

他认为,即使市场摇摆动荡,政府和央行也必须全力重建信用。Governments and centralbanks must strive to re-establish credibility, he said, even as marketsshake and gyrate.

结论头皮脑回样病变畸形是一种罕见的头皮良性病变,头皮扩张术是修复治疗头皮脑回样病变的理想方法。Conclusions The method of the expanded scalp flap is good and effective treatment for the cutis verticis gyrate.

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讨论坐标变换中旋转角的多值性、方程系数的变化。This article deals with the diversity of gyrate angle as well as the variations of equation coefficient in coordinate changes.

此产品可以提供营养给患有尿素循环障碍、脉络膜视网膜迴旋萎缩或HHH综合症的婴幼儿食用。Nutrition support of infants and toddlers with a urea cycle disorder, gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina, or HHH syndrome.

随着全球经济不断发展,你会听到越来越多的人们呼吁美联储升息或降息。As the global economy continues to gyrate , you'll hear more and more people calling for the Federal Reserve to either lower or raise interest rates.

相反,以往在股市抛售期间急剧走软的货币几乎纹丝未动,比如泰铢、马来西亚林吉特和印尼卢比。Instead, currencies that used to gyrate sharply during stock selloffs such as the Thai baht, Malaysian ringgit and Indonesian rupiah have barely budged.

人类带电的案例可以追溯至1786年,其中最著名的是14岁的安琪莉可·柯廷,能让罗盘的指针旋转不止。Cases of electric people date back to 1786, the most famous of which is that of 14 year old Angelique Cottin, whose presence caused compass needles to gyrate wildly.

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此产品只适合患有尿素循环障碍、迴旋萎缩或HHH综合症及已在医生指示下的婴幼儿食用。Use under medical supervision. Give only to infants and toddlers with a proven urea cycle disorder, gyrate atrophy, or HHH syndrome who are under medical supervision.

在眉毛和眉间因皮肤增厚而形成隆起的皱褶和深沟,形似典型出现在头皮之迴状头皮样表现。The convoluted folds and deepenittg ferrous formed from thickened skin of and between the eyebrows resembled the pattern of cutis verticis gyrate which typically affected the scalp.

在震耳欲聋的电子音乐中,成群结队的赤膊人、穿着比基尼的西方游客摇摆着,其它人坐着摇晃木船从三层楼高的水平面冲下。By the launch site, hordes of shirtless and bikini-clad Western tourists gyrate to deafening techno music, as others hurtle into the river from rickety wooden platforms three stories high.

然而,如果你持有一只专注于新兴市场股票的基金,它今年的业绩很可能远远落后于你所持的美国股票基金的回报率。But over long periods, its share price should gyrate less than half as much as major U. S. stock indexes, said the fund's manager, Heiner Skaliks, making it possibly useful as a diversifier.

本文从理论上论证回转器是一种具有回转阻抗性能的传输元件,可用霍尔效应实现回转器。In this paper, we theoretically demonstrate the Gyrator is a kind of transmission element, and it has behaviour to gyrate impe-dandce. Finally, we find that the Gyrator is realized by Hall effect.