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臆想症是我唯一没有得的病。Hypochondria is the only illness that I don't have.

我们倾向于将强迫症视为某种自私的表现。We tend to think of hypochondria as a kind of selfishness.

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多为暴力直接作用于右季肋部或右上腹部所致。Right hypochondria and right upper abdomen were usual sites truck by direct violence.

这位81岁的影坛老将围绕接受采访、写作新书及自己的疑病症等问题接受了路透专访。The 81 year-old actor talked to Reuters about giving interviews, his book and hypochondria.

因此,我们这就来对疑病症的病因做一个系统的分析。Therefore, we come to the right hypochondria which make a systematic analysis of the cause.

有时认为自己患了忧郁症,因为一个人的时候,尤其是在晚上,感觉很痛苦。Sometimes I thought I caught the hypochondria. Because when I was alone, especially at night, I felt anguished.

在18世纪,强迫症几乎成为了时尚,而且被认为是过度奢华和舒适的一个表现。In the 18th century, hypochondria became almost fashionable, and was thought to be a symptom of excess luxury and ease.

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他的传记作家们猜测说,休斯的强迫症从孩童时代母亲对他的健康过份关注的时候就已经开始了。His biographers have conjectured that Hughes's hypochondria began in childhood, with his mother's excessive concern for his health.

上腹部和右季肋部有压痛,但在缓解期可无上述体征表现。On examination the main physical sign is tenderness in the epigastrium or right hypochondria , but between attacks this may be absent.

学生嘲笑他的臆想症和他为了掩盖他能够被察觉出来的四肢长度的不同而故意抬高一支胳膊的习惯。Students mocked him for his hypochondria and his habit of keeping one arm elevated to hide a perceived discrepancy in the length of his limbs.

主要表现为固定、持续、较系统的妄想,常见妄想为被害、嫉妒、诉讼、钟情、夸大、疑病等形式。Mainly as a fixed, continuous, more systematic delusions, paranoia common to murder, jealousy, lawsuits, love, exaggerated form of hypochondria.

然而Dillon却似乎在小心回避这个问题,不愿以自己的研究和想法来为忧郁症下定义。Dillon, however, seems to tiptoe around the issue, as if afraid either to offer his own thesis or to establish his own workable definition of hypochondria.

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他们引用邻居的例子,该人具有癔症倾向并会上网,他将自己的背部疼痛认为是腹主动脉瘤引起的而苦恼。They cite the example of a neighbor, with a tendency toward hypochondria and with web access, who fretted that a backache was actually an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

严重的抑郁病症可以演变成妄想型,病人相信身染重病,对自己担心的非理性没有正确认识,甚至有自杀的倾向。Depressive hypochondria can evolve into a serious delusional type in which the person is convinced of the disorder and has no insight into the irrationality of her fears. She is at risk for suicide.