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分析了八种成岩作用类型。Eight types of di agenesis are analyzed in detail.

目的探讨先天性胆囊缺如的诊断方法。Objective To investigate the diagnostic methods for agenesis of gallbladder.

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目的探讨MRI对胼胝体发育不全的诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the value of MRI in the diagnosis of callosal agenesis.

皮质下型7例,4例合并胼胝体发育不全。Subcortical heterotopia in 7,4 cases with callosal agenesis were accompanied.

对6例胼胝体发育不全的MRI表现进行了分析。The MRI manifestation of agenesis of the corpus callosum in 6 cases was analysed.

本篇探讨一位十八岁女性,诊断为苗勒氏管不发育之原发性无月经症。We present a 18-year-old young lady with primary amenorrhea due to mullerian agenesis.

在原发性无月经症当中,苗勒氏管不发育是仅次于性腺发育异常的第二常见原因。Mullerian agenesis is the second most common cause of primary amenorrhea after gonadal dysgenesis.

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方法CT平扫19例明确诊断的先天性肺不发育和发育不全的患者,观察和分析CT资料。Methods The data of 19 patients with congenital pulmonary agenesis or hypogenesis with CT were analyzed.

可以从轻微的发育不良到完全的骶尾椎发育不全。It is a spectrum of abnormalities ranging in severity from mild hypogenesis to total lumbosacral agenesis.

这种情况常见于胼胝体发育不全,且不引起脑室分流。This condition is seen commonly with agenesis of the corpus callosum and does not respond to ventricular shunting.

MRU能精确清晰地显示开口异位的输尿管和肾脏,是最精确的定位检查方法。MRU may be the most precise diagnostic method in localization that can clearly show ectopic opening of ureter with agenesis or ectopic kidney.

探讨MRI对超声疑诊胎儿胼胝体发育不全的诊断价值,对比研究胎儿胼胝体发育不全的MRI与超声表现及临床意义。To explore the value of MRI on corpus callosum agenesis for US suspected, comparison with the imaging manifestation and clinical value of MRI and US. Method1.

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结论MRI可以直接观察胼胝体形态,是诊断胼胝体发育不全的首选方法。Conclusion MRI can directly observe the morphologic construction of the corpus callosum so that MRI should be a first choice in the diagnosis of callosal agenesis.

方法回顾性分析12例胼胝体发育不全的临床及MRI表现,并结合文献加以讨论。Methods The clinical manifestations and MRI findings of 12 patients with callosal agenesis were analyzed retrospectively , in the meantime the relative literatures were reviewed.