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桌上放着的是郁金香和绣球花。Tulips and green hydrangea are on the table.

因此绣球花的花语就是-希望。Therefore, the connotation of Hydrangea was hope.

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月光下,金绣球更是妙不可言。Under the moonlight, gold Hydrangea is fantastic.

事情全从一本紫阳花日记开始。The whole things started from the Hydrangea Diary.

陈云贤代表乘机抛出了一个“绣球”。"flew out on behalf of Chen Yun-yin, a" Hydrangea.

金绣球是球状菊花的大姐大。Hydrangea is a spherical gold chrysanthemums hunters.

今天,我就来夸夸金绣球吧。Today, I would come to flights of fancy gold Hydrangea bar.

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光绣球根部可分解结石及有抗炎作用。Hydrangea Root mat dissolve gravel and is anti-inflammatory.

落叶灌木类,如丁香、绣线菊、绣球花等。Deciduous shrub style such as lilac, spirea, hydrangea , etc.

拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶灌木,如丁香、绣线菊或绣球花。Drag onto the page to add a deciduous shrub, such as lilac, spirea, or hydrangea.

金绣球叶子呈墨绿色,在长长的枝杆上生长着金绣球。Gold Hydrangea leaf was dark green, in the long Zhigan grow on the gold hydrangea.

清苑县戎官营的绣球龙灯,就是这样代代相传下来。County, Rong Guan camp hydrangea dragon is the way down from generation to generation.

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在电话里,绣球花旅馆的老板娘约瑟芬娜是个很好讲话的人。Josephina, the proprietress of Hydrangea House, had been easy to talk with on the phone.

乔瑟芬娜,绣球花之家的老板娘,在电话里听起来是个好说话的人。Josephina, the proprietress of Hydrangea House, had been easy to talk with on the phone.

哈利气喘着向前翻过八仙花灌木,站直并往周围看着。Panting, Harry fell forwards over the hydrangea bush, straightened up and stared around.

当再次听到妈妈叫开机的喊声,小孩忙丢下小绣球又全神贯注地投入工作。When I heard my mother call boot shouts, child busy left little Hydrangea and be absorbed in work.

你在挑选完美的八仙花时和一个有特殊园艺才能的人展开了一段对话。You're picking out the perfect hydrangea when you strike up a conversation with a fellow green thumb.

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面对风投投来的绣球,诸多企业疑虑重重,这终归是把“双刃剑”。Face of venture investment to hydrangea strigosa, doubts in many enterprises, which after all is "double-edged sword".

原产在地中海的绣球花,一向以在严冬开花的常绿树而闻名于世。Hydrangea were originally cultivated in Mediterranean and famous for blooming in the freezing winter and being ever-green.

这个花束中的薄荷意味着怀疑,绣球花代表冷酷无情,矢车菊的含义则是独身主义。It includes mint, which signifies suspicion, hydrangea which means heartlessness, and cornflowers, which stand for celibacy.