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贵阳的气候,是贵阳人的骄傲。Citizens of Guiyang take pride in its climate.

我桂阳能有多少人马?How many can our little Guiyang put in the field?

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于是他派遗了一支部队去围住贵阳东南的龙里。Then he sent a unit to surround Longli southeast of Guiyang.

第二例是一名来自贵州贵阳市的29岁男子。The second case is a 29-year-old male from Guiyang city, Guizhou.

那条从贵阳到开阳的省级公路的确是棒极了。The provincial road from Guiyang to Kaiyang was, indeed, marvellous.

由于安顺大雾,飞机临时改降贵阳。Because of a dense fog in Anshun, our plane landed in Guiyang instead.

“贵阳”因城区位于境内贵山之南而得名。Guiyang got its name because it was located in the south of GuiMountain.

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贵阳三大毛肚火锅之一的老字号毛肚火锅。It is one of the three largest traditional schweinemagen hotpot in Guiyang.

贵阳是中国的温泉之都,世界的避暑之都。Guiyang is the China capital of hot spring, the summer capital of the world.

最后,讨论了贵阳市主要暖通空调技术的适用性。Finally, applicability of main HVAC technologies in Guiyang City is discussed.

贵阳位于乌江支流上,居贵州省的正中央。Guiyang is on a tributary of the Wu River in the center of the Guizhou province.

目前能与全国各地及世界145个国家和地区直接通邮。Direct exchange of postal service is accessible between Guiyang and 145 countries.

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中共贵阳市委党校2010年春季县干二班。Party School of C. P. C GuiYang Municipal Committee, 2nd Cadre Class of Spring 2010

“贵阳是大多数美国人忽视的中国部分”,他饮了一口绿茶,告诉我。"Guiyang is part of the China most Americans overlook, " he told me over green tea.

贵阳晚间新闻称,此三人通过咀嚼煤矿矿渣消除饥饿感。The Guiyang Evening News said the miners chewed coal to stave off their hunger pangs.

北京首都机场乘班机3小时赴美丽的林城贵阳。Beijing Capital Airport 3 hours by plane to visit the beautiful forest city of Guiyang.

本文以贵阳市阿哈湖水库为研究对象,用模糊综合评价法对水库的水质进行了评价。This paper assessed the quality of Aha Lake in Guiyang with fuzzy synthetic evaluation.

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贵阳地区的枯水资源系统是一个耗散结构,同时也是一个灰色系统。Low-water resources system in Guiyang region is a dissipative structure and a gray system.

所以甲秀楼是贵阳人杰地灵的象征,是贵阳山水与文化的精华。So leave a building is the symbol of Guiyang is outstanding, Guiyang landscape and culture.

庄贵阳在文章内讨论了中国在气候决策方面的难处。Zhuang Guiyang discusses the difficulty of analysing climate-change policy-making in China.