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这是一本陶冶情操的书。This is an edifying book.

他读一些陶冶性情的书籍,以提高自己的心智。He read edifying books to improve his mind.

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经常性的启迪性对话可以很好的启蒙儿童。Frequent edifying conversations can well enlighten children.

现在我们看到的就是生命完成升华的那一刻。We are witnessing the last edifying moments of a transcendent being.

建议青年学生们读一些陶冶性情的书籍,以提高自己的心智。Young students are advised to read edifying books to improve their mind.

我很高兴地告诉你,和汤姆的会面让我深受启发。I am pleased to report that the meeting with Tom was a lot more edifying.

注重陶冶式教学,是我国语文教育源远流长的一个传统。It is a tradition to pay attention to edifying experience while teaching Chinese the language.

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当宁是园艺景观的热心者,而对其中的教化作用更加热心。Downing was passionate about landscape gardening, and even more so about its edifying possibilities.

为要成全圣徒,各尽其职,建立基督的身体。For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ

去做绿色旅游固然是好事,但是对游客来说,最终要得到的还是旅游的愉悦和品味。Taking green-thinking trips feels edifying but, as with everything, it all comes down to pleasure and taste.

而这一文化特色的形成,则基于周粲深受中华传统文化的熏陶,缘于他的中华情结。The formation of the cultural characters is based on the edifying by Chinese traditional culture, and caused by his Chinese emotional knot.

寓言一种通常短小的故事,用来表示启发或谨慎的观点,常利用说话或有人的行为的动物为角色。A usually short narrative making an edifying or cautionary point and often employing as characters animals that speak and act like human beings.

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通过梳理老舍所受到的京戏的熏陶和他的戏剧文学阅读经验,把握他对戏剧的感性认识。Read experience through combing edifying of Lao She Beijing Opera received and his drama literature, hold his perceptual knowledge to the drama.

潜在课程本身的特点决定了它具有认识导向功能、情感陶冶功能、行为规范功能。The characteristics of potential course itself determine that it has the functions of knowledge guidance, emotional edifying and behavior criterion.

建立友谊与互相启发的小组关系,更透过生活见证和街头传道向未信者伸展。We believe in building trusting and edifying relationships with one another and to reach out to unbelievers through lifestyle and street evangelism.

中国的高校思想教育处在西方意识形态的渗透和熏陶下,这使高校思想教育面临十分严峻的挑战。Infiltration and edifying that the university moral of China is in western ideology are left, This makes university moral face the very severe challenge.

家族小环境乃吴江叶氏女作家成长的土壤,家族文化环境的熏染与家族的支持与鼓励,为吴其学为诗词、登上文坛提供了可能。The family is the soil in which these women developed. The edifying force and the encouragement from the family make it possible for them to learn writing.

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布宁受到东方哲学,特别是东方佛教思想的熏陶,在他的作品中,显示出“万法皆空”的佛教思想。Bunin gets the edifying influence from the East philosophy, esp. the East Buddhism. In his writings, he shows the Buddhist thought of " everything is void ".

没有任何事比基督福音的事工和把他的身体建造成熟更有意义,更不可少,或更造就人。There is nothing more significant, nothing more essential, nothing more edifying than the work of theministry of the gospel of Christ and building up his body to maturity.

另一方面,环境为学生思想品德的形成和发展提供成长基地,创造内在要求,起感染和熏陶作用,并具有很强的约束力。It provides growth base for the formation and development of students thought, creates inner requires, and has infectious or edifying influence on students with a strong binding force.