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为许多工作分配时间。Apportion time among various employments.

如果你们把股权就这么分了,那无疑就做错了。If you apportion equity, you will certainly do it wrong.

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我们无权这样分配权力,”他在书中写道。It was not our right to apportion power like that,” he writes.

这有助于将责任分配到正确的开发团队,以便进行详细分析。This helps to apportion the responsibility to the correct development team for detailed analysis.

但我还得做出一些确实困难的决定,比如如何分配咱们有限的水信息供应量。But now I'd HAs to do rewhichley difficult decisions love how to apportion we limited runing waterdrop supply.

同时,丹佛的研究者们对运动员们如何分配并消耗卡路里尤为感兴趣。The Denver researchers were especially interested in how the athletes’ bodies would apportion and use calories.

国会也许难以追究具体责任,也无法确定将要为过去的错误付出多大代价。And Congress may not even be able to accurately apportion blame or determine the price to be paid for past mistakes.

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这个委员会不会追究责任,不会考虑民事或是刑事责任的问题。The committee will not set out to apportion blame or consider issues of civil or criminal liability," Brown explained.

而就谁应该为这次经济大崩溃承担主要责任,爱尔兰和欧盟的政治家们进行了激烈的交锋。There have been heated exchanges between Irish and EU politicians over how to apportion the blame for Ireland’s crash.

报告的第一页就明确了“这个调查并非是为了追究责任”。From the first page, each report makes clear that "the investigation is not conducted in such a way as to apportion blame."

企业的辅助生产部门在提供服务的过程中产生的辅助生产费用要在各个受益对象中进行合理分摊。It is known to us all that in most enterprises the costs apportion of assistant production departments are necessarily taken.

由于本来应该起到分配商品作用的中央计划系统崩溃,政府通常对此睁一只眼闭一只眼。The state usually turns a blind eye, since its central planning system, which is supposed to apportion goods, has broken down.

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温总理在会谈中说,朝鲜半岛内部避免冲突是“最为紧要的”,但是他并没有因为这次沉海事件批评某个国家。Speaking at the talks, Mr Wen said avoiding conflict between the Koreas was "most urgent", but did not apportion blame for the sinking.

母亲就把其中一个月饼留了下来给做工的父亲,把另一个月饼切成6瓣分给大家吃。Mother a moon cake remained has gotten down for the father who worked, slivered 6 petals another moon cake to apportion everybody to eat.

当我们得到了评估报告和改进的要求,我就会让他们去找森野,或者其他某个人。When we received evaluation results and orders for improvement, I would apportion them out to Morino-san or whoever else was responsible.

目前,自来水公司向用户公摊损耗水费的做法在我国许多城市执行,这种做法不合理也不合法。It is unreasonable and illegal for water works to charge households for apportion of water consumption as it is essentially disguised price hike.

仲裁庭拥有裁量权以在临时裁决或最终裁决中对申请临时措施涉及的费用作出分配。The arbitral tribunal shall have discretion to apportion the costs relating to a request for interim measures in the interim award or in the final award.

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任何组织和个人不得侵占、挪用义务教育经费,不得向学校非法收取或者摊派费用。No organizations or individuals may take illegal possession of or misappropriate such funds, or illegally collect fees from schools or apportion fees among them.

解决了优化分配模型所需的符号编码方式,并给出了相关的选择、交叉、变异等遗传算子的具体设计。The symbol encoding style what was needed for the optimization apportion model was solved, and selection operator, cross operator and mutation operator were designed concretely.

贵州频繁的战乱给战区人民造成了巨大的经济损失,而随战争而来的各’种人力、物力摊派更把广大人民逼到了造反的边缘。Frequent wars in Guizhou caused huge economic losses to people, and along with the war, all kinds of manpower and material resources apportion compelled the masses risen in revolt.