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DCC服务器可以交换常用的校验和。DCC servers can exchange common checksums.

本试验应用DCC法对水牛瘤胃细菌进行测定。The DCC method was used to study the rumen bacteria of water buffalo.

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多产气体烯烃是DCC和MGG工艺的主要特点。High gaseous olefin yields are the main features of DCC and MGG technologies.

我在荷兰文化馆展览的绘画中,你能看见一个中国女孩和花的组合。In the paintings I show at the DCC , you can see a Chinese girl in combination with flowers.

DCC负责质量体系文件的编号、发放、更改控制和管理。DCC is responsible to control and manage the numbering, release and revision of quality system documents.

本文采用酰化法和DCC法合成了一系列叔醇酯。A series of esters of tertiary alcohols have been effectively synthesized by acylation and the DCC methods.

相对于蒸汽裂解工艺,可以加工比蒸汽裂解更重的原料,反应温度大幅度地下降。DCC can process heavier feedstocks and the reactiontemperature is much lower as compared with those of Steam Cracking.

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申请者应将新验证方案的软件交文件管理协调员,在提供软件后,文件管理协调员删除原文件。The requestor shall send the soft copy of the new PROTOCOL to the DCC and delete the electronic file after sending the soft.

雷达动态杂波图主要由距离、方法和扫掠三种积分和平均的电路组成。The DCC mainly consists of three kind of integral and average circuits for processing radar range or azimuth and scan information.

各部门的受控文件清单由各部门自己保存,全公司受控文件清单由DCC保存。Each department should keep the controlled document list of their own. DCC should keep the all controlled documents of the company.

在控制方案上,重点以新风空调机组及干冷盘管为研究对象,着重探讨洁净空调温湿度的控制方案。As for control scheme, this paper focuses on the MAU and DCC to study the clean room air-condition system temperature and humidity control.

Hydra有很多功能,包括DCC支持,文件传输,对接浮动和自动隐藏传口,它还有一个事件查看器。Hydra has a remarkably long list of features including DCC support, file transfers, dockable floating and autohide windows and an event viewer.

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文中介绍了DCC机的原理和特点、DCC盒带的性能和特点及DCC系统的技术指标。This paper described the principle and characteristics of DCC unit, the properties and characteristics, of DCC and the technical target of DCC system.

文件控制中心负责本程序所规定文件的控制,即打印、发放、正本保管、回收、作废等。DCC is responsible to control the documents described in this procedure, namely printing, distribution, original document keeping, cancellation and obsolete etc.

目的探讨DCC基因STR位点多态性与动脉粥样硬化遗传易感性之间的关系。AIM To study the relationship between genetic polymorphisms of DCC gene STR in Shaanxi people and its possible association with the susceptibility of atherosclerosis.

该文报道了DCC成型的基本原理和工艺,讨论了将DCC成型工艺应用于多相复合陶瓷必须解决的关键问题。The basic principles and processing of DCC are reported in this paper. The key techniques to apply the DCC forming to the multiphase composite ceramics are discussed.

催化裂解催化剂是一个含改性五元环中孔沸石的固体酸催化剂,汽油一次产物在中孔沸石内进行二次裂化转化为轻烯烃。DCC catalyst consists of a modified mesopore zeolite with pentasil structure for primary product of naphtha range to undergo secondary cracking for producing light olefins.

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设计并实施了新的合成路线,即利用羟基与羧基在DCC和DMAP作用下的缩合反应偶联得到共聚物。This material can be applied in drug delivery in despite of lower molecular weight. Novel synthetic route, i. e. hydroxy coupling with carboxyl in the presence of DCC and DMAP.

对脱臭汽油先进行萃取浓缩,再用气相色谱对其进行检测,无硫醇硫存在。However, mercaptan sulfur in DCC gasoline, which has been sweetened at a low operating space velocity and concentrated by solvent extraction, cannot be detected by flame photometer detect.