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这是一家豪华旅馆。This is a luxurious hotel.

廉价和豪华住宿CDG的。CDG, lodging, cheap and luxurious.

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帮他们在一间漂亮奢华的饭店登记。Check them into a gorgeously luxurious hotel.

座位成45度倾角。Seats would recline to a luxurious 45 degrees.

她极力设法恢复她的奢华生活。She tried hard to retrieve her luxurious life.

他的工作完全是在那些奢侈的游轮上。His job was working in those luxurious cruises.

真的,异地恋连一个拥抱都是奢侈的。Really, the distance is a hug, a hug is luxurious.

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这艘豪华的邮轮正在破浪前进。The luxurious liner is cleaving through the waves.

我不吃没有营养又漫天要价的那些垃圾食品。I am not eating luxurious dishes without nutrition.

卡萨尔的罗马别墅是众多同类建筑中最奢华的一个。The villa is one of the most luxurious of its kind.

全系车型均更换为豪华的商务座椅。The vehicle are replaced by luxurious business seats.

我们认为沙田是一个奢侈的聚会娱乐地方。We consider Sha Tin as a luxurious place to hang out.

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他的希望是在不远的将来买一辆豪华轿车。His wish is to buy a luxurious car in the near future.

这块华丽浴巾的厚绒面摸起来很柔软。The thick pile of a luxurious bath towel touches soft.

他过着奢侈的生活,而他的老父亲却沿街乞讨。He lived a luxurious life, with his old father a beggar.

身为马戏团的大明星,布榖过着十分奢华的生活。As the star of a circus, Boog has lived a luxurious life.

盖勒要比较从奢侈的大房子搬到小房子里去了。Guyer downsized to a small house from a more luxurious one.

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“啊!”候爵说,环视着豪华的房子。"Hah! " said the Marquis, glancing round the luxurious room.

他生活在奢侈的环境中,挥金如土。Living in luxurious surroundings, he spends money like water.

豪宅别墅,设计华丽,价格昂贵。Luxurious villas are magnificent in design and high in price.