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商业的本质是逐利的,一旦有适当的利润,资本就胆大起来。There is a local profit, Would embolden the capital is up.

利欲熏心与金钱看上去仅仅加重了他们的盲目愚昧。The careerism and money seemed only to embolden their blindness.

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他说,这种核能力会使伊朗政府更加胆大妄为。He said this nuclear capability could embolden the government in Tehran.

但日本发生的事情,或许会让印度国内希望供应商负责的人更加理直气壮。But Japan's experience may embolden those in India who want suppliers to be held responsible.

弗里德伯格写道,“在自由问题上的示弱既不会消除多少中国领导人的顾虑,也不会让其信心增加多少”。As Friedberg writes, "Soft-pedaling talk of freedom will not reassure China's leaders as much as it will embolden them."

盖茨否认了有关设定撤军时限将为”塔利班“壮胆的论调。Gates rejected any suggestion that setting a transition date for withdrawing US forces in Afghanistan will embolden the Taliban.

真正的危险或说危险之一,是核武器的拥有者会更大胆地冒险,特别是低强度的攻击性行为。The danger, or one danger, is that nuclear weapons embolden their possessors to take risks, especially at committing lower levels of aggression.

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华尔街有句老话,"趋势是你的朋友",目前可能让多头行情走得久一些.但问题是能够持持续多久?For now, though, the Wall Street adage -- "the trend is your friend" -- might just embolden the bulls a bit longer. The question is for how long?

美国长久以来一直强调和恐怖分子谈判只会使得他们变得更加大胆,制造更多的绑架事件。S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan. The United States has long maintained that negotiating with terrorists would only embolden them to commit more kidnappings.

但是,如果继续“绥靖”,后果可能更加严重--绥靖只能让中国更加巩固其在太平洋地区经济和军事上的统治力。Yet continued appeasement is likely to be even worse -- it would only embolden Beijing to solidify further its economic and military dominance in the Pacific.

如果我们不能有效地做到这点,我们将削弱本来就已软弱的民主力量,并给那些企图制造混乱和动荡的伊拉克人壮胆。If we fail to make that case effectively, we will weaken already tenuous democratic forces and embolden those in Iraq who seek to foment chaos and instability.

但批评者说,巴西东北部一些城市暴力肆虐,从那里调兵到里约会导致当地和其他区域的帮派变得胆大妄为。But critics say that bringing in soldiers from violence-ravaged cities in northeast Brazil could embolden gang activity there and in other parts of the country.

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卡拉曼显示时间的教育最直接的影响裁决的布朗诉是无声的核心种族主义者的种族温和派在南部和壮胆努力。Klarman tells TIME the most immediate impact of the Brown v. Board of Education rulings was to silence the racial moderates in the South and embolden hard-core racists.

分析人士指出,外国品牌主导中国市场的现实使中央政府的经济规划者们感到愤怒,并有可能使地方官员大胆采取行动。The fact that foreign brands dominate the China market rankles with central government economic planners, and could embolden local officials to take action, analysts say.

它会促使政策的制定者们去大胆地尝试放松计划生育政策,允许在个别省份,如果夫妇们愿意,可生两个孩子,他说。It could embolden policy makers to experiment with loosening the family planning policy to allow all couples in a handful of provinces to have two children if they want, he said.

对中国提供能源补贴和为出口商提供廉价的信贷等非法贸易行为发起广泛的挑战可以帮助其他国家大胆发泄出自己的怨气。A broad challenge against China’s illegal trade practices, including providing subsidized energy and cheap credit to its exporters, could help embolden others to put forth their own complaints.

但近来在美国内部的辩论中出现了一种新的论调,虽然略显突兀,不过在那些寄望于社会自由派和中左派、期待其在反伊斯兰极权主义战场上冲锋陷阵的人眼中,这或许是一针强心剂。But there is a new voice in America's internal debate which might, in an odd way, embolden those who want social liberals and centre-leftists to lead the charge against Islamist authoritarianism.