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每座小屋的建筑设计都是不同的。Each cabin is architecturally different.

我的意思是,建筑上很发达,但是挺封闭,I mean, very developed architecturally but quite insular,

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需要由一个在架构上独立的层来处理这些语义工作。You need an architecturally separate layer to do this semantic work.

嗯,位于巴塞罗那的著名建筑兰布拉大道附近。Hm. Located in Barcelona's architecturally stunning La Rambla neighborhood.

在大马士革老城中央,矗立着这座建筑气势恢宏,熠熠生辉,令人震惊的大清真寺。In the centre of Damscus' old town, stands this huge, gleaming architecturally astonishing mosque.

然后,我们将从体系结构的角度相对于彼此概述这些工具如何操作。Then we'll provide an overview of how these tools operate architecturally in relation to each other.

被定位成“严重的”缺陷反映了参与者对构架上重要用例的疏忽。Defects rated as "serious" reflect the omission of actors and of architecturally important use cases.

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这里,钢纤维混凝土在建筑上主导着新材料的可能。Here, the fiber-rein forced concrete architecturally demonstrates the possibilities of new materials.

这座大厦成了一个避雷针,把人们的视线转移了正在发生的变化,可能在社会上,同时在建筑上。The building became a lightning rod for what was happening, socially maybe, as well as architecturally.

考古学家们发现,古埃及人会对船只部件进行循环利用。We also found that the Egyptians had recycled a lot of ship parts and reused them architecturally within.

我们有没有可能拥有既高密度又经济可行而又有地标性的特色住宅呢?Is it possible to build high-density, economically viable housing which is also architecturally innovative?

建筑上也是千篇一律得令人乏味,每五十四个镇都是依照同一张图纸规划。Architecturally it is oppressively dull. Each of the fifty-four towns are built according to an identical plan.

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它是一个和体系结构无关的需求规范,并不过度约束SOA解决方案。It is an architecturally neutral specification of the requirements that does not over- constrain the SOA solution.

它还在项目的早期减轻了高风险,包括验证所有在架构上重要的项目决策。It also mitigates high risks early in the project, including validating all architecturally significant project decisions.

这样可以导致组件间干净地解耦,这是现代面向服务系统的另一个优雅的架构性特征。This results in a clean decoupling of components, another architecturally elegant feature of modern service oriented systems.

你在地图上标出了你的建筑计划,研究了你所有的选项,打下了一个坚实的基础,并开始建楼房。You architecturally map out a plan, research all your options, pour a solid foundation, and begin building from the ground up.

目前探讨的这些方法在架构上都很有趣,但是它们都在内核的外围运行。While all the approaches discussed so far are architecturally interesting, they all operate around the periphery of the kernel.

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木构建筑有可能去创造一个更愉悦、放松、交际和创造性的城市体验。"Timber buildings have the potential architecturally to create a more pleasing, relaxed, sociable and creative urban experience".

先进行集成测试加速了架构上重要的问题更早进入生存周期的相应阶段。Driving integration test first accelerates the resolution of architecturally significant issues into earlier phases of the life cycle.

中国早期建筑师们对这座建筑所作的工作无论在建筑方面还是历史方面都意义重大,但这座建筑缺乏长期的维护。The work of the early Chinese architects is significant historically and architecturally but lacks long-term safeguarding, the WMF said.