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桌子摆得很整齐。The tables are in alignment.

改变文字大小、颜色和排列。Vary text size, color and alignment.

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截至到今天,对齐并不存在。As of today, alignment does not exist.

检查扣板,以保证适当的调整。Check the gusset to insure proper alignment.

每个标签都有一些图像和基本路线。Each tab has some images and basic alignment.

踝、膝盖及髋保持在一条直线上。Keep your ankles, knees and hips in alignment.

下汽缸和轴承座找正。Alignment of bottom casing and bearing seating.

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刀锋怪玩家可以成为任何非混乱阵营。Bladeling PCs may be any non-chaotic alignment.

更换墨盒后自动校准机头。Auto Head Alignment after Changing Cartridge, A.

大标题的首行左对齐接下一行右对齐。The vertical alignment of right or left margins.

校准和协调真正意味着什么?What do alignment and harmonization really mean?

原因被科学家们解释为太阳的同向排列。The reason is the changes in the sun's alignment.

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锚机安装与校中检查。Installation and alignment inspection of windlass.

配备高清晰同轴光学镜头和CCD对位系统装置。High clearance co-axial lens and CCD alignment system.

配备高清楚光学镜头和CCTV对位系统装置。High clearance co-axial lens and CCTV alignment system.

舵杆、舵叶、舵销连接后中心线检查。Inspection alignment of stock, rudder blade and pintle.

激光准直仪拓宽了应用为范围。Laser alignment devices have gained wider applications.

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该默勒集团拥有强大的国际路线。The Moeller Group has a strong international alignment.

维持膝和脚趾对准阻止膝转力矩。Maintain knee and toe alignment to prevent knee torquing.

并结合新的仪器和方法,建立了CSR准直数据库系统。This paper describes the whole procedure of CSR alignment.