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永远不会有,我们的铁路还没铺到斯利那加呢。在这方面,我是一名悲观主义者。Never – ever. We are yet to reach Srinagar. I am a pessimist in this regard.

在很多天里,斯利加纳是一个商店紧闭、街道空空的幽灵之镇。On most days, Srinagar is a ghost town of shuttered shops and empty streets.

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一位克什米尔渔民撑船驶入秋天的斯里那加戴尔湖。Kashmiri fisherman rows his boat through autumn leaves in Kashmir's Dal Lake in Srinagar.

2011年2月14号在克什米尔,一名男子在大雪中走过斯利那加的一架人行天桥上。Kashmiri men walk on a foot bridge during heavy snowfall in Srinagar on February 14, 2011.

斯里纳加的喀什米尔人在平民满祖尔˙阿玛德的棺材旁祷告。Kashmiri people pray next to the coffin of civilian Manzoor Ahmad in Srinagar June 27, 2006.

斯利那加,寒冷的夜晚,一名克什米尔路边摊小贩,在集市上准备着自己的风味小吃。摄于1月10日。Kashmiri roadside vendor prepares snacks at a market during a cold evening in Srinagar on Jan. 10.

在斯里纳加一个寒冷的早晨,喀什米尔船夫集结在浮舟菜市场。Kashmiri boatmen assemble at floating vegetable market, on a cold morning, in Srinagar December 21, 2005.

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当局说,攻击星期四发生在帕哈干姆,这里是斯利那加南部一个受欢迎的松树林度假村。The authorities say the attack occurred Thursday in Pahalgam, a popular pine forest resort south of Srinagar.

喀什米尔斯里纳加的商会成员在抗议性丑闻的活动中举牌大吼。A member of Kashmir's Traders Federation shouts slogans during a protest against sex scandal in Srinagar May 12, 2006.

斯利那加一场示威活动上,一名克什米尔穆斯林示威者向警察和准军事部队扔石头。Kashmiri Muslim protester throws stones and bricks at Indian police and paramilitary soldiers during a protest in Srinagar.

除了重重部署警力,警方还说分裂分子们在斯利那加安放了一个路边炸弹。随后,这个炸弹被检出并被拆除。Despite the heavy security, police said separatists planted a bomb along a road in Srinagar which was later detected and defused.

一位喀什米尔非政府组织的志工在达尔湖上清理塑胶瓶。Kashmiri volunteer of a non-governmental organisation collects plastic bottles during a drive to clean Dal Lake in Srinagar June 24, 2007.

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那段时期在斯里加纳被广泛铭记——甚至在一些分裂派领导人中——在这段时期难以处理的棘手冲突似乎消失了。That period is remembered in Srinagar — even among some separatist leaders — as a time when the intractable conflict seemed to be fading away.

1968年,克什米尔地区达尔湖,一场大雪后,当地年轻的女子正在刷去飘落在小船上的雪,对这一地区很多人来说小船是生存必不可少的工具。KASHMIR. Srinagar. Dal Lake. 1968. A young woman brushes the fresh snow off her ice bound dunga, the floating homes in which many Kashmiris live.

当局说,攻击星期四发生在帕哈干姆,这里是斯利那加南部一个受欢迎的松树林度假村.爆炸在游客中引起恐慌。The authorities say the attack occurred Thursday in Pahalgam, a popular pine forest resort south of Srinagar. The blast created panic among the tourists.

喀什米尔的穆斯林抗议者在斯里纳加的一间苏菲派神殿外,挥动手臂与黑旗抗议印度安全部队。Kashmiri Muslim protesters raise black flags and their arms during a protest against Indian security forces outside a Sufi Shrine in Srinagar May 4, 2006.

印度北部城市,位于斯利那加南部的巴基斯坦边境附近。从前是拉其普特王朝的统治中心,后来被锡克人占领。人口20',35。A city of northern India near the Pakistan border south of Srinagar. Formerly the seat of a Rajput dynasty, it was later captured by the Sikhs. Population, 20', 35.

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43岁的罪犯理查德·德威特向警察坦言,是他谋杀了英国女游客萨拉·格鲁夫丝,过去两个月,该名女游客长住在案发地印控克什米尔斯利那加的达尔湖新美船屋。Richard De Wit, 43, told police he had murdered Sarah Groves, who had been staying on the New Beauty houseboat at Dal Lake in the Indian Kashmir city of Srinagar for two months.

为了应对他们的抗议,通过分裂派领导人所谓的联合罢工和政府实行的宵禁,包围着斯利加纳的克什米尔山谷的大部分地区都被关闭了。In response to their protests much of the Kashmir valley that surrounds Srinagar has been shut down—both by hartals, or strikes, called by separatist leaders, and by government-imposed curfews.