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我决定去鼓励他。I resolved to encourage him.

他决定不出去。He resolved against going out.

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所以我决定痛改前非。So I resolved to make a change.

他便决计离开那修院。He resolved to quit the convent.

这个肿瘤很快就会消掉的。The tumor will soon be resolved.

所以我们现在解决了这个悖论。Sowe have now resolved this paradox.

这封信消除了我们的各种疑虑。This letter resolved all our doubts.

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科比特决心找出真相。Corbett resolved to seek out the truth.

他似乎已决心痛改前非。He seemed to have resolved on amendment.

韦科事件之后,我决定根据自己的直觉来做决定。After Waco, I resolved to go with my gut.

然而,我还是没有解决问题。But we have not yet resolved the problem.

她下决心把军人作为她一生的职业。She resolved to make the Army her career.

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有le决心─切困难旳事都会变得容易。All resolved difficult thing will be easy.

他们决定在某一天要把她解雇。They are resolved to pay her out some day.

这人似乎决意吞吞吐吐。And the man seemed resolved to protract it.

我决定不要创可贴,继续前行。I resolved to proceed without the Bandaids.

他决心要作一名足球运动员。He was resolved to become a football player.

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关于翻译的争论是如何解决的?How do debates about translation get resolved?

皮莱说大多数合同已经解决。Pillai says most contracts have been resolved.

第二章商业地产返租解决了什么问题?What problems have been resolved by leaseback?