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等等,加拉提亚人在做什么?Wait a minute,what are the Galatians doing?

很不幸我们没有加以太下书,也没有别的信。We don't have second Galatians unfortunately, or any other letters.

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我们不知道,保罗的加以太书的作用。Now we don't know what happened with Paul's letters to the Galatians.

人民南加拉提亚可以以礼称为加拉太。The people of South Galatia could with propriety be styled Galatians.

该书信向加拉太书是一本书籍的新约圣经。The Epistle to the Galatians is one of the books of the New Testament.

一起来看加拉太书,我们会掠过几部分。Look at Galatians with me, we're going to skip around in several parts.

保罗还辩明他使徒身份的正当以及重申了他对于加拉太教会的热爱。Paul also wrote to defend his integrity as an apostle and to reassert his love for the Galatians.

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对那些除了割礼和洁食还想增加例规的加拉太人,保罗给了他们什么答案?Paul's answer,what was Paul's answer to people in Galatians who wanted to add on circumcision and kosher?

高卢后裔的凯尔特人,加拉太人定居并控制了安纳托利亚弗里吉亚的中部地区。Celts of Gallic descent, the Galatians came to settle in and dominate areas of central Anatolia and Phrygia.

他摆脱了那个指责,但加拉提亚有些人,他的言论中的逻辑关系。He gets rid of that charge,but we can see that some people saw between some of the things he had said in places like Galatians.

圣灵是末日的恩赐,祂的同在,住在加拉太人当中,说明末后的日子已经开始。The Spirit is a gift of the last days, and his presence and indwelling among the Galatians shows that the final days have begun.

这正是加拉太书的观点,还记得吗,讲加拉太书和罗马书时,我谈到,在保罗眼中,犹太律法不仅仅是一系列规则。This is very much Galatians, remember when I gave the lecture on Galatians and Romans I talked about how the Jewish law for Paul is not simply a list of rules.

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加拉太书第五章告诉我们,培养自制能力是极其重要,却又极之困难的,因此它是单单来自圣灵在我们内心的工作,别无他法。Galatians 5 tells us that the development of self-control is so crucial and difficult for us that it can come from no other source than the work of God's Holy Spirit within us.

研读加拉太书,经文显露出它是使徒保罗最激动的书信,因为当中批评加拉太人信从别的福音,想靠守律法、靠自己的努力得救,而非靠恩典得到救赎。A study of the biblical book of Galatians reveals that it is Paul's most fiery letter—criticizing the people for legalism, self-effort, and the exchange of grace for a different gospel.

尤其是在他处理,非犹太人和犹太律法间的关系时,保罗引用了最多的犹太经文,在加拉太书和罗马书中。It's precisely when Paul is dealing with the problem of what is the relationship between non-Jews to Jewish law that Paul actually quotes Jewish scripture the most, and that's in Galatians and Romans.