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主观方面是故意的,并且具有非法占有的目的。In subjective, it's purposive and with the intention to illegally possess.

黑格尔哲学的中心教义是有目的进化发展的思想。The central doctrine of Hegel's philosophy is the idea of purposive evolution.

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道在宇宙中公平地运转,人类将会否认自己过分自信,有目的性的行为。As the Tao operates impartially in the universe, so should mankind disavow assertive, purposive action.

最后说明了本算法提出的一种新的合成技术―有目的的终止技术的优势和前景。In the end, the advantage and outlook of the new synthetic technology, purposive ending technology, is explained.

舞弊通常是指为获得非法利益采用不法手段所实施的故意行为。Fraud is the purposive behavior that someone takes in order to gain illegal benefits through using illegal methods.

本文最后提出「目的抽样」的意念,来解释新闻的运作和特点。Finally, this article proposes the idea of "purposive sampling" to explain the operation and characteristics of news.

我咧个去,这货说的是啥?,其实康德将,“合目的性“和“目的性“做了比较,什么比较呢?You say, "Whoa, what is this?" Kant makes a distinction between the purposive and the purposeful. What is the distinction?

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在这一分类的基础上,笔者从材料的运用、主题立意、布局谋篇三者之间的关系对讲话稿的写作技巧进行探讨和总结。Materials from the use of purposive subject, the relationship between the structure of a speech to explore the writing skills.

采用立意抽样方法对我省南昌和萍乡两地娱乐场所服务女性进行问卷调查。Adopt purposive sampling method to investigate the waitresses working in entertainment settings in Nanchang and Pingxiang city.

本研究采用半结构式的访谈方式,以立意取样十位在宅保母为研究对象进行访谈。This research adopts semi-structural interview, and ten family day care providers are selected by purposive sampling for interview.

在任务语言教学中,语言教学既强调有目的的交际和语意表达,也不忽视语言形式的学习。Task-based language approach puts emphasis on purposive communication and meaning expressing, and study of form of language as well.

所以,教师设计的任务必须适合学生,才能使学生的学习活动既有意义又有的放矢。The designed tasks by teachers must be fit for students, so they can make the students' learning activities meaningful and purposive.

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本研究采回溯性病历回顾的研究设计,以立意取样选取192位死亡新生儿为研究对象。The design of this study is retrospective, purposive sampling was used to select 192 cases that die in the neonatal intensive care unit.

起承转合章法遵,对仗用典要巧谨。少用难懂生僻字,立意新奇情动人。Since the bearing to broad seal law compliance, but to be clever with allusions. Use less obscure obscure, purposive novelty love moving.

采探索性叙述性研究法,以立意取样访谈92位出院后6周至6个月的患者。The study was a descriptive exploratory research. The 92 patients after 6 weeks to 6 months discharge were selected using a purposive sampling.

它是一种形态,它之所以是一种形态,是因为我们可以看到它外在的形状,以及它复杂的结构,这就是“合目的性It is a form. It is a form and that form, because we can see it has structure and because we can see it has organization and complexity, is purposive.

它是一种形态,它之所以是一种形态,是因为我们可以看到它外在的形状,以及它复杂的结构,这就是“合目的性“It is a form. It is a form and that form, because we can see it has structure and because we can see it has organization and complexity, is purposive.

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本研究采「生命史」研究法,以立意选样,选取五位成年女性进行深度访谈。A life-history design was used, and in-depth interviews were conducted to collect data from five Taiwanese participants, recruited by purposive sampling.

研究对象为高市某教学医院54位新进护理人员,透过七次焦点团体活动进行资料收集,以内容分析法做资料分析。Our purposive sample consisted of 54 new nurses in a Kaohsiung teaching hospital. Data from seven focus groups meetings were analyzed by content analysis.

采前瞻性横断式研究设计,以立意取样方式,于北部某医学中心泌尿科门诊收取癌症分期在T1-T3期的49位前列腺癌病患为研究对象。Total 49 clinical staging T1-T3 prostate cancer patients were recruited by a purposive sampling method from urology outpatient clinics in a medical center.