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非戏剧学院的活僵尸权力政治I. The No-Drama School of Zombie Realpolitik

事实上,多年来两国已经越走越近——纯粹是因为强权政治。In fact, the two countries have been edging closer for years—for reasons of pure realpolitik.

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克林顿的脱离外交事务是一次演习在自律和权力。Clinton's disengagement from foreign affairs was an exercise in self-discipline and realpolitik.

这是部分结构后,西周封建制,但内容的现实正在出现。It was partially structured upon the Western Zhou system of feudalism, but elements of realpolitik were emerging.

此外,正如他在华盛顿实施权力政治所坚持的那样,和平事业也是一种道德追求。Besides, as he used to insist while practicing realpolitik in Washington, the cause of peace is also a moral pursuit.

而且,如果是出于现实政治考虑,印度完全有可能亲近一个**政权,比如缅甸军政府。And if realpolitik dictates, India is perfectly capable of cosying up to a dictatorship, such as the Burmese military junta.

讽刺的是,他的数字品牌的现实主义也许最终会成为使整个世界更加民主的最有效的战略。Ironically, his digital brand of realpolitik may ultimately be the most effective strategy for making the world a more democratic place.

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但是,迈克阿斯克尔先生的布道或许仅仅是仓促间为掩饰背后的现实政治而做的官样文章。Perhaps, however, Mr MacAskill's moralising is merely rhetorical chaff, thrown up to disguise the realpolitik that lay behind the release.

尼克松总统和基辛格拒绝了这个基于人权观念的要求,因为这种观念不适合强权政治,或者说不适合实用政治。The president and Mr. Kissinger rejected that approach, which was rooted in human rights concepts not suited to their power politics, or realpolitik.

从历史,情感和政治方面来说,以色列一直都是华盛顿在政治分歧两方中全力支持且关系最密切的盟友之一。Israel, for historical, emotional and realpolitik considerations, has been one of Washington's closest allies with great support of both aisles of the political divide.

毫无疑问,对于这个自西班牙内战前就领导反法西斯运动的国家,1939年8月签署的条约确是一个令人震惊的现实政治行为。There's no doubt that the pact of August 1939 was a shocking act of realpolitik by the state that had led the campaign against fascism since before the Spanish civil war.