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她的泪泉一定会永远向污痕冲荡。Her tears should drop on them perpetually.

她老是忧心忡忡。She was perpetually assailed with worries.

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语言永恒地沉浸于自身。Language is perpetually immersed in itself.

他一直都试图能够得体讲话。He's perpetually seeking a mode of properly speaking.

英格拉姆一只手梳理着他那永远也理不齐的蓬乱的红发。Ingram ran a hand through his perpetually untidy red hair.

我们永远相依为命,同生死。We belong perpetually to each other-for life or for death.

他必须能坚持以德服人。He must perpetually earn and maintain the moral mandate to lead.

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摇滚歌星看起来是一年到头都被热情洋溢的追星族追随着。Rock stars seems to be perpetually followed by hot-blooded groupies.

含有过量咖啡因的美国似乎总是在追求多睡一觉。An over caffeinated America seems to perpetually crave more shut-eye.

男人不能忍受或者根本听不进女人没完没了的唠叨。The man cannot be borne or ultimate inexorable woman chatters perpetually.

一代接一代,这些人只能终身在下层社会里苦苦挣扎。Generation by generation, these people strive perpetually in the underclass.

有个父亲的儿子们常常互相争斗不休。FATHER had a family of sons who were perpetually quarreling among themselves.

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有个爸爸的儿子们每一每一互相争斗不休。FBTHER had a family of sons who were perpetually quarreling among themselves.

一个父亲有许多儿子,儿子们时常自相口角。Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarreling among themselves.

有时我们大脑中的刹车会被卡住,这样我们就会长期陷入恐惧中。Sometimes the brakes in the brain are stuck and you are perpetually petrified.

有个父亲的儿子们常常互相争斗不休。A father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarreling among themselves.

它永远陷于自己本身系统性的本质中,因此它自己是个中心。It is perpetually caught up in its own systematic nature so that it's a center.

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完全闲着的人一事无成。终日营营役役的人也强不了多少。The really idle man gets nowhere. The perpetually busy man does not get much further.

水分子被永久的冻起来了,因为撞击坑一般都在阴影下。Any water molecule that water perpetually frozen because that crater was always in shadow.

我知道的这名女律师没完没了地缠着几位法官定期与她一起吃午饭。The female lawyer I knew was perpetually pestering judges to have periodic lunches with her.