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无力的,恩。Powerless. Uh huh.

意志坚定,恩。Determined. Uh huh.

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但是小马队赢了吗?Yeah but uh the colts won?

没人,等我把我的包拿开。Uh no, let me move my purse.

啊-哈,有人看到我的钥匙么?Uh. Has anyone seen my keys?

很多对话,嗯,是,还有吗。Lots of dialog, yes. What else? Uh huh.

你们注意到了什么。What did you notice about the novel? Uh huh.

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它只是他眼中的世界,嗯嗯,好。It's just his view of the world. Uh huh. Okay.

是的.我要一份炸鸡肉排.Uh . . . yes. I`d like the chicken fried steak.

呃……嗯……,因为它就只是吸收水分。Uh hum. Because then it just soaks up moisture.

嗯。还有其他任何是我应该记得的吗?Uh huh . Is there anything else I should remember?

如果你不知谈,兄弟,现在应该知说了吧。Uh, and if you don't know, now you know, nigga, uh.

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一对龙凤胎的小BABY,哥哥在笑,妹妹在生气,呵。A small BABY twin brother laughing, angry sister, uh.

感谢鼻涕虫,你的诺贝尔和平奖赢来了杀手!Thanks uh oh bammy. You nobel peace prize winning killer!

没错,但是最好能,呃,生活不总是公平的,帕蒂宝贝。Yes, but better to, uh. Life’s not always fair, Pattycakes.

我喜欢布吉舞,啊,那感觉就像乘着风。I like to boogiewoogie, uh, uh It's like riding on the wind.

他本可以很自大高傲,充满优越感。He could have be arrogant and haughty and condescending and uh.

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你知道有些东西和别的东西就美学而言是不搭调的。You know certain things doesn'tgo uh with other things aesthetically.

因此我需要从一个熟练的单车手那里获得口诀指示。So, I need uh some kind of a pith instructions from a skilled bike rider.

所以为了要真正获得这些供应我们必须让自己一直忙碌。So, in order to really get this uh supplies, we have to keep busy ourself.