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大多数瑞典人都是金发白肤碧眼者。The generality of Swedes are blonde.

更多的,我专注与一般性和性能。Instead, I concentrated on generality and performance.

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在这方面,他与他同胞的通性是不相同的。In this he was different from the generality of his countrymen.

传统射表在风修精度和通用性等方面存在不足。The traditional fire table has defects in accuracy and generality.

说明了这种方法对不同的无定型氧化硅具有普适性。This proves the generality of this method to different silica source.

这就是WCF做为通用的通讯架构的优点所在。This generality of the communication framework the main benefit of WCF.

下面我将介绍一种不损失一般性而获得类型安全的方法。Below I will suggest a way to get type-safety without losing generality.

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对于这一概括性的描述,很少有政策制定者表示异议。Few policymakers have a beef with that characterization as a generality.

把式子都加起来了,就得到了完整的格林公式。When we add things together,we get Green's theorem in its full generality.

没有了一般性,我们甚至都无法了解最基本的个体。Without that generality we would not even have a sense of that individuality.

他通过一般性而非个体性来表现宇宙。He presents the subject, however, not in its individuality but in its generality.

我想,比起通俗的家丁而言,你必定要有设法多了。I am sure you have thought a great deal more than the generality of servants think.

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我们永远不能根据掌声响亮的程度来判断民意。We must not always judge of the generality of the opinion by the noise of the acclamation.

实践证明,这样生成的报表系统具有较强的通用性和灵活性。It is proved that the report forms system has the advantages of generality and flexibility.

这就是我们今天的案例了,我还是回头很形式主义地概括一下吧So here we have an example but I want to go back to the generality and to a bit of formalism.

重点描述其对不同站场的通用性和在不同场合下的适应性。The paper focuses on its generality for different station and its adaptation in sundry usage.

尽管如此,UML通用性可能比许多人所想象的更广泛。However, given the generality of UML, it may be more widely applicable than many people might think.

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它与民间剪纸艺术是孪生姊妹,民间荷包工艺集中体现着民间美术的审美共性。Being the twin sister of paper-cut, the craft of wallet reflects the aesthetic generality of folk arts.

可复用性的一个原则是普遍性和可复用性之间逆关系。One principle of reusability is that there is an inverse relationship between generality and reusability.

不过,一般性、技术性的事务部分,海基会仍有存在空间。However, the generality , the technical business part, Sea Base association still had the existence space.