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我国奉行不结盟政策。Our country pursues a policy of nonalignment.

国际事务中保持中立或不结盟的政策。A policy of neutrality or nonalignment in international affairs.

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拯救存在于社会主义、节俭的美德和不结盟。Salvation lay in socialism, virtuous austerity and nonalignment.

不结盟是那个国家外交政策的重要内容。Nonalignment is the part and parcel of that country's foreign policy.

当前,处于政治重建中的阿富汗急需恢复其中立和不结盟的传统。It's urgent for Afghanistan, which is under political reconstruction at the present, to resume its traditions of neutrality and nonalignment.

未来阿富汗应当确立一个具有广泛参与的政治结构,维持中立和不结盟的传统。In the future there should be a political structure with broad participation in Afghanistan and continue her tradition of neutrality and nonalignment.

通过推行一种早期的不结盟症策,美国这个新兴国家尝到了中立作为一种还价还价的工具的甜头,正如自此以后,许多崛起中的国家大多乐此不倦那样。Practicing an early form of nonalignment the new nation discovered the benefit of neutrality as a bargaining tool just as many an emerging nation has since.

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通过推行一种早期的不结盟政策,美国这个新兴国家尝到了中立作为一种讨价还价的工具的甜头,正如自此以后,许多崛起中的国家大多乐此不疲。Practicing an early form of nonalignment , the new nation discovered the benefit of neutrality as a bargaining tool, just as many an emerging nation has since.

南亚大国印度作为世界上最典型的民主国家和不结盟运动的领袖,也即刻成为美苏都争相拉拢、迫切需要亲近的重要目标。And India, as the most representative democratic country and the leader of the nonalignment campaign, promptly became an important object to keenly approach and ally with.

这反映出,军事不结盟的政策仍深深扎根于瑞典民众之中,瑞典与北约的合作与加入北约之间并没有什么关联。This reflects the policy of military nonalignment is still deeply rooted among the people in Sweden, the Swedish cooperation with NATO and between NATO and has little to do.

从70年代开始,巴基斯坦政府为了获得更大的外交活动空间,决定改变与美国结盟的外交政策,奉行新的不结盟政策。Since 1970s, in order to obtain more community of foreign affairs, Pakistan was determined to change the foreign policy of allying with USA, pursuing new nonalignment policy.