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藤攀满了藤架。The vine wound about the trellis.

家家户户的院子里,也都盖满了葡萄。Each courtyard had a grape trellis.

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它将有花环形构架如思索的人脑。With the wreathed trellis of a working brain.

在新疆,几乎每家的院子里都有葡萄架。In Xinjiang, the courtyard of almost every home has a grape trellis.

单篱架比“V”型架还原糖、总酸和可溶性固形物含量均高。The VSP had higher reducing sugar, TSS contents than"V"trellis system.

这种篱架同葡萄的篱架相比,不需要很大的支撑力。Somewhat less strength is needed here as compared with a grape trellis.

所有的三间套房都有一个阳台和为攀登植物设置的金属栅栏。All three suites have a balcony and a metal trellis for climbing plants.

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你甚至可以在墙上搭置棚架,让植物攀缘其上。You could even put a trellis on your walls and train plants to grow up it.

我们能把观察结果和可能的隐状态表示为一个格状图。We can picture the observations and the possible hidden states as a trellis.

那是一个美好的春日,棚架上的玫瑰枝条正在泛绿。It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine on the trellis was turning green.

那是春季里风和日丽的一天,棚上的玫瑰藤渐渐转绿。It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine on the trellis was turning green.

研究了线性等重码的格子复杂度。In this paper, the trellis complexity of linear constant weight codes is considered.

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高抗病毒病,耐寒耐热性强,适宜温室大棚栽培。High virus, hardy heat-resistant strong, suitable for greenhouse trellis cultivation.

你可以用一些诸如门板,格板的材料,或者是用小桩做成围栏当背景。You can use materials like door panels, a trellis or picket fencing as backdrops, too.

解码的复杂程度取决于外码格栅复杂程度。The decoding complexity is mainly determined by the trellis complexity of the outer code.

我们将采取或誓言下的“格”应该绽开的鲜花和藤蔓某种。We will take or vows underneath the "Trellis" which should be abloom with flowers and a vine of some sort.

建筑物之间的室外空间也由屋顶网格提供遮阳,并对整体概念同样十分重要。Outdoor spaces between the buildings are also shaded by the roof trellis and are important to the overall concept.

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做一个垂直的格子,让您的南瓜、菜瓜和黄瓜爬在上面直至结果。Train your squash, melons, and cucumbers onto a vertical trellis . Support the fruiting vines gently and thoroughly.

林荫树及花架给予在这里购物的人一个舒适的环境。Shady trees and trellis are located along the commercial street to provide a more pleasant environment for the users.

将网格编码技术与固定鲁棒性嵌入相结合提出了一种新的网格编码水印算法。In this paper, a new trellis coded watermarking algorithm of trellis codes combine with constant robustness embedding is proposed.