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对…下赌注,如在法罗牌中。Slang To bet against, as in faro.

在瓦宾法鲁岛上,时间仿佛是静止不动的。Wabin Faro in the island, time seems static.

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伊利亚德法鲁是连接内地的道路。Ilha de Faro is connected to the mainland by road.

真有更多的法鲁比街巷。There really is more to Faro than winding streets.

在法鲁考迪尔在防空洞家庭吃晚餐。The Faro Caudill family eating dinner in their dugout.

法罗群岛上的自治丹麦殖民地。A self-governing colony of denmark on the faro e islands.

下午,观光包括卢美伦达著名的岩洞,并且参观法罗到当地的公司。The famous caves at Lummelunda, local company visit and the island of Faro in the north.

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并且学会许多方式堆积包括在手、浅滩和桌法鲁的甲板拖曳。Also learn many ways to stack a deck including over hand, riffle and table faro shuffles.

出色的葡萄牙海滩和美妙的夜生活都在葡萄牙法鲁到达。Excellent Portugal beaches and fantastic nightlife are both within reach in Faro Portugal.

总体来说,人们说假话要比说实话付出更多的努力。Overall, it seemed to take more brain effort to tell the lie than to tell the truth, Faro found.

出租车也随时可为法鲁租车,可以采取从机场到酒店你。Taxis are also readily available for a Faro car hire and can take you from the airport to your hotel.

赌桌供玩游戏用的一件家具,如法罗赌博、轮盘赌或掷骰游戏时所用的桌子。常用作复数。A piece of furniture serving as a playing surface as for faro roulette or dice. often used in the plural.

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目前,我们有23分,而且如果我们在最后一场比赛中击败法罗群岛,26分将是确保的。At the moment we have23points and if we beat the faro e islands in our final game that would be26guaranteed.

去年夏天,我从英国伦敦飞往西班牙马德里,之后前往葡萄牙法鲁,再飞回家。Last summer, I flew from London, UK, to Madrid, Spain, and then on to Faro , Portugal, and all the way back home.

法鲁度假包可以包括汽车,酒店,航班或火车票及酒店住宿或组合。Faro vacation packages can include car, hotel and flight or train tickets and hotel accommodation or a combination.

大多数游客到阿尔加维去从法鲁机场以西的Portimão的沿海度假胜地和拉各斯繁忙的Albufeira的。Most visitors to the Algarve go west from Faro airport to the busy coastal resorts of Albufeira, Portimão and Lagos.

正是因为惊视于苏格兰6-0狂扫法罗群岛的比赛,才给了特里和他的队友们最终的动力决心。And it was the shock sight of scotland thrashing the faro e islands6-0which provided the final motivation for terry and his team-mates.

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第27届国际机车骑士夏日大会在葡萄牙南部省份阿尔加维的法鲁举行,有约2万2千名骑士参与今年的大会。A motorcyclist takes part during the 27th International Motorcyclist Summer Rally in Faro in the southern province of Algarve July 19, 2008.

伯格曼死于他在瑞典的家中,瑞典TT新闻社说,这个消息是他的女儿伊娃伯格曼对外发布的。死因不能立即得知。Bergman died at his home in Faro , Sweden, Swedish news agency TT said, citing his daughter Eva Bergman. A cause of death wasn't immediately available.