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对于病情的预判要视形成眩晕的原因而定。The prognosis depends on the source of the vertigo.

现在,什么样的头晕目眩使我们无法呼吸?At Present, what kind of vertigo occupies our breathes?

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1992年,二人成立了维帝戈舞蹈团。Together they founded the Vertigo Dance Company in 1992.

恐高,医学术语称之为眩晕。A fear of heights, the medical word used for this is vertigo.

他们还可能有淋巴结肿大,嗜睡和眩晕等症状。They could also have enlarged lymph nodes, lethargy and vertigo.

经给予高剂量类固醇治疗后。High-dose steroid treatment greatly improved vertigo in 4 patients.

治疗组在颈源性眩晕评分上优于对照组。Treatment group at cervical vertigo score on than the control group.

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在转头动作时没有眩晕的症状和体征。There were no symptoms or signs of vertigo on head-turning maneuvers.

我承认,我乱了自己的阵脚,我有些迷失了方向的眩晕。Attendance I admit, I disturb their condition, I lost some of vertigo.

最常见的首发症状包括听力下降、耳鸣、共济失调、眩晕。Hearing loss, tinnitus, ataxia, and vertigo are the most common initial symptoms.

寰椎椎动脉沟环是引起颈性眩晕的原因之一。The foramen arcuale of vertebral artery of altas is one of the causes of vertigo.

眩晕发作时,病人可能感觉到、也可能感觉不到耳鸣和听力下降。The patient may or may not notice these symptoms during the onset of the vertigo.

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小迷路血管痉挛能引起眩晕和听力丧失。Spasm of the small labyrinthine vessels can give rise to vertigo and hearing loss.

这种眩晕非常严重,他甚至只能跌跌拌拌走下大厅。The vertigo was so severe that they could not walk down the hall without stumbling.

外伤后良性阵发性位置性眩晕与特发性位置性眩晕是否不同?。Is posttraumatic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo different from the idiopathic form?

治疗组在颈源性眩晕TCD改善方面优于对照组。Treatment group at TCD cervicogenic vertigo improvement is better than the control group.

世人只有体验过末世般的眩晕感,才会向往归于混沌。Nobody desires to return to chaos without having first experienced an apocalyptic vertigo.

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结论GEP与AMP对机械旋转所致眩晕症均具有一定疗效。Conclusion GEP and AMP have the therapeutic effect on vertigo induced by machinery rotation.

这里挤满了餐馆、市场和商店,在霓虹灯的照射下会让人产生一种民族眩晕感。Crammed with restaurants, markets and shops, neon-lit Devon induces a kind of ethnic vertigo.

系统性眩晕的表现,周围性和中枢性眩晕的区别。Manifestation of systemic vertigo, differentiation of peripheral vertigo and central vertigo.