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就用你的毕业证书去公证一下就好了。The diploma that uses you goes notarial good.

有开展公证业务所必需的资金。Having the fund necessary to carry out notarial work.

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您办理的公证书将在哪个国家使用?Which country will your notarial certificate be used in?

已为有效公证书所证明的事实。Facts that have been proved in the valid notarial reports.

如何公证?自己一个人去公证就行了吗?How notarial? Oneself does a person go did notarization go?

公证遗嘱由遗嘱人经公证机关办理。A notarial will is one made by a testator through a notary agency.

公证制度是国家设立的一种预防性司法制度。Notarial system is one of the preventive judicial systems in China.

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公证书自出具之日起生效。The notarial certificate comes into effect as of the date of issuance.

第二部分为公证证明的主体和客体。Part II discusses the subject and the object of notarial certification.

二是对公证书实效性的预测。The other side is the forecast of notarial certificate's effectiveness.

在办理赠与时,是必须要经过公证部门公证的。Dealing with donative when must want to pass notarial branch notarization.

公证书的效力与实效是不同的两个概念。They are two different concepts of the notarial certificate's effect and effectiveness.

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第三部分论述了公证赔偿诉讼制度架构的完善。Part Three discusses the perfection of the structure for our notarial redress mechanism.

许多年以后,我成了一名公证员,为很多人出具了很多公证书。Many years later, I become a notary , and have written many notarial papers for many people.

第六条公证员是专门从事公证事务的法律专业人员。Article 6 The notary is the legal professional that specially deals with the notarial affairs.

公证书有其他错误的,公证机构应当予以更正。If there is any other mistake in the notarial certificate, the notarial office shall correct it.

公证书有其他错误的,公证机构应当予以更正。If there is any other error in the notarial certificate, the notarial institution shall correct it.

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公证机构不按行政区划层层设立。The notarial offices are not established on different levels according to administrative hierarchy.

公证费和律师费占了我们维权投入的很大比例。The very large proportion that notarial cost and retaining fee held our dimension authority to throw.

市司法行政机关指导、监督市公证员协会的工作。The municipal judicial administrative organ guides and supervises the work of the notarial association.