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事情发生总会有前因。There are always antecedent causes.

道德应得,那是一个先行标准。That's an antecedent standard. Moral desert.

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这些都是革命前的事了。Those were events antecedent to the revolution.

这事故之前,你注意到什么迹象了吗?Did you notice any sign antecedent to the accident?

这些都是革命前的事了。Those were events antecedent to the revolution. adj.

他和她的缘分,两天前就尽了。He and her predestination, exerted two days antecedent.

前件推导是定理证明的一种扩展。Antecedent derivation is an extension of theorem proving.

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所谓「半天吊」分词是指没有明显前辞的分词。A "dangling participle" is a participle without a clear antecedent.

这看起来可能就是单纯的成功——卓越,或者它的祖先。This may seem like pure success—brilliance, or its antecedent anyway.

山顶洞人生活在有文字记载之前的一个历史时期。The cavemen lived in a period of history antecedent to written records.

可以说是开启一切,我们可以把它当做先行乐句It sort of opens things up, and we refer to this as the antecedent phrase.

一些患者指出,病灶出现在先前的创伤部位。Some patients state that lesions develop at the site of antecedent trauma.

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第三类,前指词的典型场景与先行词的典型场景有交集。The last one is that the prototypic scenarios of anaphor and antecedent overlap.

代名词必须有一个,也只能有一个先行词,以免造成模糊或模棱两可。A pronoun must refer to one and only one antecedent to avoid vagueness or ambiguity.

关系代词所指代的名词唤作关系代词的“先行词”。The noun to which a relative pronoun refers is called the "antecedent" of the pronoun.

在间接回指中,回指语与先行语虽指称不同却有关联。In indirect anaphora, an anaphor and an antecedent have different but relevant references.

前分句在这个高音部分结束,那是前分钟的结尾和弦发生转变。Once we get up there, that's sort of the end of the antecedent phrase and we have a chord change.

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搭桥参照是指话语中照应语同先行语之间没有直接联系的一种参照形式。Bridging reference is a kind of reference in which there is no direct connection anaphor and antecedent.

随着条件部成员函数个数的增加,这种模糊推论模型能够获得较高的输出精度。And the model can generate with higher accuracy by increasing the number of fuzzy partitions in antecedent.

这个实体或概念在言语形式上是隐性的,它隐藏于先行词的典型场景之中。This entity or concept is invisible in language form. It hides in the prototypic scenario of the antecedent.