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美国才是最大的好战者和石油窃贼。US is the biggest war monger and a oil thief.

我从商贩子那里买的米,肯定被克扣了分量。I surely got beaten when I bought rice from a monger.

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要求你的鱼肉商帮你将鱼开成鱼排。Ask your fish monger to prepare the fish into fillets.

在过去的50年里,我抓获了许多怪兽。Monger. Over the last 50 years, I have captured monsters.

斯坦·温斯顿工作室为电影制造了一个钢铁巨人的动画电子模型。An animatronic puppet of the Iron Monger was built for the film by Stan Winston Studios.

奥巴马是提供进步人士期望的改变和希望的嗜血的战争贩子。Obama is the blood thirsty war monger that offers the hope and change progressives were hoping for.

他只是像任何其他人一样害怕恐惧并且尽可能告诉所有的人。He's just like any other fear monger and tells as many people aspossible about his interpretation of it.

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我们要带您一起去看看,叶秀梅从做原本从事卖鱼生意,转变成为慈济社区领导者的故事。We take you to see the story of Ye's transformation from a former fish monger to a Tzu Chi community leader.

芒格认为,美国在一些领域上与中国竞争将会非常困难,美中两国更应该保持友好合作的关系。Monger considered that, in some areas on the United States and China are difficult, the United States should maintain a relationship of friendly cooperation.

两个版本都描述了拥有更加强大的铁霸王盔甲的斯坦恩对战经验更加丰富的斯塔克,并且它们都将爆炸性反应堆作为这一幕的主要元素。Both pit Stane's larger, more powerful Iron Monger armor against Stark's greater experience, and both also feature an exploding reactor as a prominent feature of the battle.