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成功在那边,就在你摔跤的地方的后面。Success is that way. Just a little after the splat.

天文学家们带着他们的“大长木板”理论爬上舞台。Astronomers have came forward to grab the stage with their "Big Splat" Moon theory.

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在使用这个可怕的笔记本三年后,我的LCD屏幕竟然可以自行滑落并关上。After using this awesome laptop for over 3years my LCD screen went flop splat on me.

第二天,斯普莱依旧在床上——但是这次高兴得满面开花。Day two of school finds Splat once again in bed — but this time grinning whisker to whisker.

最初落下来的是铜板大的雨滴,劈劈啪啪地打在土里,在玻璃窗上留下了一个个印记。The first drops of rain are huge. They splat into dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures.

雨开始大滴大滴落下来,噼里噼啪摔进尘土里,在窗户上洒下点点印记。The first drops of rain are huge. They splat into the dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures.

我小心翼翼地把四爸爸搬一次,很好,只是侧体。我忙着把我藏在抽屉里的香烟,“啪”一旦锁定。I gingerly took iv. Dad move once fine just side body. I'm busy putting cigarettes hidden in my drawer "splat" once locked.

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尽管如此,如果此人从高层建筑上一脚踏空,此人就会跌落到地面,不管他相信还是不信。Nevertheless, if that person were to step off a tall building, that person would splat on the ground below, regardless of what they believed.

也没办法避免……双月碰撞属于低速碰撞,”圣克鲁兹州加利福尼亚大学天体科学家兼本次研究论文撰写者埃里克·埃斯帕格说。This big splat is a low-velocity collision," said study co-author Erik Asphaug, a planetary scientist at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

也没办法避免……双月碰撞属于低速碰撞,”圣克鲁兹州加利福尼亚大学天体科学家兼本次研究论文撰写者埃里克·埃斯帕格说。This big splat is a low-velocity collision, " said study co-author Erik Asphaug, a planetary scientist at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

在这个神秘国家的YouTube页面上展示了一段卡通视频,内容是金正恩驾驶着一辆跑车,伴随着血液的喷溅声碾死饥饿的妇女和儿童。A video that appeared on the hermit kingdom's YouTube page showed Jong-un driving a sports car over starving women and children, killing them with a splat of blood.

“我认为“你知道,刚好有什么东西和月球发生了碰撞,这种方式它不能形成环形山,但是它形成了大的板状山”。"I thought, 'Well, you know, what about just something colliding with the moon, in such a manner that it didn't form a crater, but it just made a big splat? ' " he recalls.

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他说到,在任何“地狱火”导弹发射之前,后援小组攻击后果---导弹击中目标时影响资料。Before any of the Hellfire missiles are launched, he said, the backup team asks for the "the bug splat" of the attack — a readout of the impact the missile would have on its ground target.