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快车员就是美国林务局使用的。Hotshots are employed by the U. S. forest Service Firebreak.

当地官员表示这是计划烧除以清理出一条防火通道。Local officials say the spark was deliberately lit to create a controlled firebreak.

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为了防止山火,此处的杂木被砍伐,取而代之的是防火线。You can see a firebreak here made by cutting the miscellaneous trees to prevent forest fires.

在一个灾民安置区的建筑区域,大约每300米要修一条宽50米的防火道。Within a displaced persons camp, build a firebreak 50 m wide approximately every 300 m of building area.

半免修复层防火林带阻火效果次之,山脊单层防火林带阻火效果最差。And the single layer firebreak forest on upper mountain ridges showed the least fire retardant efficiency.

所以,山脊防火林带的有效结构为疏透结构。So the effective structure of the firebreak tree belt in the ridge of a mountain was the sparse structure.

最后,在按计划行事的同时,詹姆斯的救火队员也在大火的北面清理出了一大片防火带。Working to a plan at last, James' firefighters had also created a large firebreak to the north of the conflagration.

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阔叶化改造后具有明显提高生物多样性和防火效果及一定的涵养水源、保持水土作用。Broadleaved-oriented transformation could evidently increase biodiversity and firebreak effect, as well as water and soil conservation.

从舰队大桥一直到泰晤士河沿岸,詹姆斯和他的救火队员们站在一块,他希望弗利特河能成为一道天然的防火线。Making a stand with his firefighters from the Fleet Bridge and down to the Thames, James hoped that the River Fleet would form a natural firebreak.

根据风速的分布特征,采用多模型选优的方法,确定了山脊防火林带迎风面的相对风速预测模型。Based on the feature of the wind speed, the forecasting models of wind speed in the aweather area of the firebreak tree belt had been established using the multi_model optimization.

根据当时的记载,那天,也可能是更晚些时候,国王查尔斯二世本人也亲自上阵,他帮助大家抬水灭火,推倒房屋以清理出防火线。A contemporary account said that, that day or later, King Charles II in person worked manually to help to throw water on flames and to help to demolish buildings to make a firebreak.