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轴承歪斜。Bearings askew.

他歪戴着帽子。He wore his hat askew.

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他们把画挂斜了。They hang a picture askew.

她站在那里,歪戴着帽子。She stood there, hat askew.

你的内心可能而且往往是不平静的。Your heart could be, and often is, askew.

家俱摆得歪歪斜斜。The furniture in the room was placed askew.

他的眼镜一下子被打歪了。His glasses had been knocked askew by the blow.

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男性生殖器歪斜是怎么回事啊?Is male genital how to return a responsibility askew ?

铰削铁链时铰刀不能歪斜。When reaming iron links, the reamer should not be askew.

商店里的模特倒在橱窗中,昂贵的太阳眼镜斜斜地挂在他脸上。Dummies sprawled across shop windows, expensive sunglasses askew.

怎么办呢?小乌鸦歪着脑袋想了又想。What should she do? The little crow thought over with her head askew.

窗户上没有百叶窗,有几扇门也歪歪扭扭的。There were no shutters at the windows, and some of the doors hung askew.

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他笨重地走进房内,显得气喘吁吁的。His tie is askew and he appears a bit winded as he lumbers into the room.

他的步子有些踉跄,有时会被自己的脚绊住,重重摔倒在地。He ran slightly askew. Sometimes he’d trip over his own feet and fall down hard.

如果过分关注单场的交锋记录,逻辑出现差错便是自然而然的事了。Logic, of course, goes askew if too much attention is paid to individual results.

显然,人工助推出口在现在看来无异于在歪曲这个世界。Clearly, artificially pumping up exports is now seen as having left the world askew.

一些标签的位置歪斜或显示一个难看的起泡效果。Some of the labels were positioned askew or displaying an unsightly bubbling effect.

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小柜子的衣服存活,在过去是一间卧室瓦砾歪斜。A small dresser of clothes survived, askew in the rubble of what used to be a bedroom.

头巾上插著一支大羽毛左摇右晃,大眼镜戴得歪歪斜斜,假胡子飘飘欲飞!A big feather bobbing in his turban-fez, huge glasses askew , and his false moustaches flying!

竹门也打坏了,歪斜地挂在那里,像是受伤的翼膀。The bamboo door of the but had been damaged and now hung askew like the broken wing of a bird.