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大圣爷爷饶我。Please forgive me, Mahatma.

马哈特马·甘地在印度被人称作“父亲”。Mahatma Gandhi is also known in India as "bapu" or father.

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圣雄甘地曾经过我说过的话可以帮助大家理解它。I can explain it best by something which Mahatma Gandhi said to me.

想要改变世界,就得先改变你自己。”——莫罕达斯·甘地。"You must be the change you wish to see in the world. " – Mahatma Gandhi.

如果要我尝试别的,我也不会像圣雄甘地或特里莎修女那么无私。Even if I try, I can't be as selfless as Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa.

到2009年10月30日,是圣雄甘地诞辰140周年纪念日。On 30th October 2009, it was the 140th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi.

从外表看,老人很像圣雄甘地——如果去掉腰带,穿上靴子的话。In appearance he resembled Mahatma Gandhi—minus the loincloth , plus orthopedic boots.

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在历史书籍,例如它是写了圣雄甘地和他的英格索尔手表。In historic books for example it is written about Mahatma Gandhi and his Ingersoll watch.

古吉拉特是印度最大的棉花和食盐产地,也是圣雄甘地诞生的地方。The nation’s largest producer of cotton and salt, Gujarat is the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi.

我一直对圣雄甘地的一句名言感兴趣,即“欲变世界,先变自身。”I had always been intrigued by Mahatma Gandhi's quote 'Be the change you want to see in the world'.

我不知道这会持续多久,但最终他会成为一种象征,就像圣雄甘地那样。I don't know how long that will last.But he will become more of an icon, just as Mahatma Gandhi did.

确实正如马哈特玛·甘地不厌其烦地坚持的那样,手段是目标的初始阶段。Indeed,as Mahatma Gandhi was never tired of insisting,the means are the end in its preliminary stages.

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在圣雄甘地医院的加护病房里,卢卡莎娜遭受了肾衰竭和败血症的袭击。At the Mahatma Gandhi Hospital intensive-care unit, Ms. Ruksana suffered kidney failure and septic shock.

英国的盐税也曾经是圣雄丹地反抗英国殖民统治非暴力不合作运动的焦点。In India, the British salt tax became a focus of Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent protest against English rule.

这是他的一次重大胜利,他一直被比作印度的独立运动领袖圣雄甘地。It's a massive victory for the man, whom many are comparing to India's independence leader Mahatma Gandhi.

例如,圣雄甘地曾亲手纺织一块布作为女王的结婚礼物。For i tance, whatever ha ened to the piece of cloth woven by Mahatma Gandhi as a wedding gift for the Queen?

圣雄甘地不朽的,强有力的话是这样说的,“你希望看到这个世界改变,必须从你自己做起。”In the enduring and powerful words of Mahatma Gandhi, “You must be the change you wish to see in this world.”

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例如,圣雄甘地曾亲手纺织一块布作为女王的结婚礼物。For instance, whatever happened to the piece of cloth woven by Mahatma Gandhi as a wedding gift for the Queen?

很高兴能再次访问古吉拉特,这是一个美丽和充满活力的地方,也是圣雄甘地的故乡。I am very happy to visit Gujarat again, a beautiful and vibrant state and also the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi.

对于这位历史上最有名的非暴力运动者之一的甘地来说,笔杆子曾经的确比枪杆子要硬。For Mahatma Gandhi, one of history's best known non-violent activists, the pen was indeed mightier than the sword.