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叶紫葳回家跟父母大干一场!Assists with parents gets a Veda home game!

利俱吠陀也有一首独一无二献身于他的诗。A hymn is also dedicated to him alone in Rig Veda.

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而徐嘉惠对叶紫葳终于选择了马翔很诧异。And XuJiaHui assists chose to Veda MaXiang very surprised.

马翔跟叶紫葳好的事情,也很刺激着郝京妮。MaXiang Veda with good things and also assists the ni hao is very exciting.

吠陀意味着理解,那么进行灵性练习的地方则是一种吠陀文化。When veda means knowing, then everywhere spirituality is practiced is a vedic culture.

叶紫葳说,本人跟马翔在一同和跟你在一同是完整不同的觉得。Assists with MaXiang Veda said, I with you together and together is complete different feel.

所以,人们认为梨俱吠陀不可能是谈论印度。So, what happened is that people thought therefore the Rg Veda cannot be talking about India.

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韦达在全球教授瑜伽、指导人们的精神生活已有60余年。Swami Veda has been teaching yoga for the past 60 years and providing spiritual guidance around the world.

在阿塔发吠陀远远长于萨马和雅育尔只有约六分之一的是从钻机吠陀。The Atharva Veda is much longer than the Sama and Yajur and only about a sixth of it is from the Rig Veda.

吠陀也被认为是应用于印度教教条和实践的所有后期圣典的基础。The Veda is also regarded as the basis of all the later Shastraic texts used in Hindu doctrine and practice.

可是,有一个人常常不速之客到家里,让郝京妮很不舒适,她就是叶紫葳。However, there are often a man uninvited guests to home, let hao Beijing ni very uncomfortable, she is Veda assists.

上海,杨曼莉跟叶紫葳的母亲阿玉哭诉,打比如婚姻好比两个蟋蟀的斗争。Shanghai, with YangManLi assists in lieu of mother crying, Veda crickets play such as marriage is like two struggles.

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吠陀仍然大部分地被引用到印度教仪式的本质中,是很多持久不衰的印度教思想的来源。Parts of the Veda are still quoted in essential Hindu rituals, and it is the source of many enduring patterns of Hindu thought.

杨曼莉在叶紫葳的家里,跟阿玉谈心,由于阿玉通知杨曼莉,叶紫葳很可能在外面找了个人。In the home YangManLi assists with Veda, due to talk, she YangManLi Veda assists in lieu notice, probably in outside seeking personal.

他们写信给印度总统卡拉姆与总理辛赫,并在葳达栖身的公园外抗议。They wrote letters to Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and held protests outside the park that is Veda 's home.

叶紫葳的爸爸叶城是上海的文化名人,他们也是动用关系协助杨曼莉调儿媳妇,叶紫葳大为不满!Assists the dad phosphatide Veda is Shanghai's culture celebrities, they also use relationship YangManLi record daughter-in-law, assists to assist Veda was discontent!

当前这些地方继承着印度人历史上遗留的遗产,并且与他们宗教文献的其他一些传说合拼,那就是梨俱吠陀和博伽梵歌。The current area takes what it can from the known history of the people of India, and incorporates some of the legends from their religious texts, The Rig Veda and the Bhagavad Gita.

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梨俱吠陀就是“受崇拜的吠陀”的意思,主要包括诗词和奉承的神,但也谈论其它方面的主题,比如婚礼的程序和赌博的愚蠢等。Rigveda means the Veda of Adoration and mostly contains verses adoring or adulating deities. But it also dealt with other subjects, like the procedure of wedding, the folly of gambling.