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他闭上眼睛。He closed his eyes.

他思想闭塞僵化。He has a closed mind.

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我闭上了我的眼睛。I got my eyes closed.

门开了,又关了。Door opened also closed.

黑暗笼罩着我们。Darkness closed about us.

博物馆每逢星期一闭馆。Oh, the museum is closed.

您们已合上书了吗?。Have you closed your book?

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那家水果店关门了。That fruit shop is closed.

美国-墨西哥边境为此关闭。U.S.-Mexico border closed.

眼睛或睁或闭。Eyes can be open or closed.

那家水果店关门了。The fruit store has closed.

这家水果店关门了。The fruit store has closed.

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哦,你的镜头盖盖上了。Ah, your lens cap is closed.

撞上了一扇关着的门。Have run into a closed door.

这就是闭系。And that's the closed system.

会议于十一点结束。At eleven the meeting closed.

米克,关上门是,长官。Meeks, door, closed. Yes, sir!

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结果帐户又不封了!Results not closed the account!

她小心翼翼地关上门。She cautiously closed the door.

2010年8月20日周五,该指数收于25.49。The VIX closed Friday at 25.49.