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相对当地的白人。They tend to be bilingual and bicultural.

芮成钢说,童年时候他就接受双语教育,受到中西文化的影响。As a child, Mr. Rui says, he was bilingual and bicultural.

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芮成刚说,在童年时候,他接受的是双语和双文化。As a child, Mr. Rui says, he was bilingual and bicultural.

也就是说,大部分的聋小孩将会在双语及双文化的程度上有很大的不同。This said, most deaf children will become bilingual and bicultural to varying degrees.

我们总是标榜双语双文化是在国际舞台上竞争的一大优势。We have always advertised bilingual bicultural compete in the international arena is a big advantage.

双文化影响下的生活甚至也会有些意想不到的结果。比如在艾历克西斯?。The whole bicultural life has even had some unintended consequences, such as in Alexis Hamilton's family.

在一篇文章中风格信息传递得越多,翻译越能达到文化沟通和交流的目的。The more the stylistic information is transferred, the more the translation transfers for bicultural communication.

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这几个人的经历都告诉我们,了解两边的语言和文化能帮助他们在全球化的舞台上收获巨大的成功。In each case, being bilingual and bicultural has contributed to his being enormously successful on the global stage.

这个过程中,除了在工作上获得很大的优势外,心理上也会受益。In addition to the huge professional advantages you will gain from being bilingual and bicultural are the psychic ones.

在美国,许多移民社区需要更多从事双语教育的教师。Large immigrant communities in the United States require more teachers who can teach in bicultural or bilingual settings.

本文通过对澳门土生葡人语言习惯的分析,说明双语人不仅掌握两种不同的语言,而且在语言的背后还有双文化的背景。Through the analyses on Macanese's linguistic habits, this paper argues that bilinguals have bicultural in addition to bilingual backgrounds.

根据美国一项研究,有两种文化背景或者讲两种语言的人可能在语言转换时不由自主地改变他们的性格。People who are bicultural and speak two languages may unconsciously change their personality when they switch languages, according to a US study.

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目的语文化渗透的最终目标应是在语言教学过程中通过文化渗透培养学生的跨文化意识,提高学生的语言习得能力和语言交际能力。It also brings forward that the teachers of Chinese language to foreigners should improve their bilingual ability and foster their bicultural awareness.

他们发现,这些女性在拉美和盎格鲁-萨克逊双重文化渗透中,自我感知或“框架转变”有着重大改变。They found significant changes in self perception or "frame-shifting" in bicultural participants — women who participate in both Latino and Anglo culture.

研究者发现,这些妇女们在拉美和盎格鲁-萨克逊双重文化背景之间进行转换时,自我知觉和“框架迁移”有着重大改变。They found significant changes in self perception or "frame-shifting" in bicultural participants -- women who participate in both Latino and Anglo culture.

实际上,叶维廉的翻译理论和实践因其本人独特的语言文化身份和立足于东西方文化交汇处的独特视角而极具研究价值和意义。His translation practice and theory is indeed worthy of study for his unique bilingual and bicultural identity at the junction of Chinese and western cultures.

安吉莉卡是现代家庭的创立者和作者,该社区专为父母们提供关注双重文化教育生活的博客,她在这里为如何营造舒适快乐的家庭提供深刻见解、点子以及资源。Modern Familia, a family well-being blog for parents with a focus on bicultural living, where she offers insight, ideas and resources on how to create confident and happy families.

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马可仕•梅皮克•维拉托罗的双文化世界观来自英语文化和西班牙语文化,这两种文化相接在他那既承袭美国中部又继承南美洲文化的独特界线上。Marcos McPeek Villatoro shares in both English and Spanish his bicultural perspective on the world, gathered in the unique borderland between his Central American and Southern US heritages.

最新研究表明,当那些受过两种不同文化教育并掌握了两种不同语言的人们从一种语言切换到另一种时,他们的个性也会随之发生改变。People who are bicultural and speak two languages may actually shift their personalities when they switch from one language to another, according to new research in the Journal of Consumer Research.

而作为非政府组织的爱德基金会坚持一种社会工作式的聋教育理念,试图从聋人的立场出发自下而上地去帮助聋人,倡导着一种双语双文化的聋教育。However, as a NGO, Amity Foundation holds an idea of deaf education of social model, trying to help the deaf bottom to-up from their standpoint and advocating bilingual and bicultural deaf education.