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塞纳留斯介绍了他自己并且提出教导他们德鲁伊之道。He introduced himself and offered to teach them the druidic arts.

我们知道他过去可能和德鲁伊有关系——也许他就是个德鲁伊学校的辍学生。We know that he has some sort of druidic past—maybe he's some kind of Druid School dropout.

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但随着赛纳留斯抛弃了牛头人,牛头人在接下来的数千年中遗忘了德鲁伊的信仰。Following Cenarius' departure from the tauren, they forgot their druidic practices for thousands of years.

当然这也是考虑到相比达纳苏斯这种大城市而言,月光林地更加适合德鲁伊魔法。Also, of course, the Moonglade is somewhat more conducive to druidic magic than a large city like Darnassus.

玛法里奥教导他们,并且创建了塞纳里奥议会,这一艾泽拉斯的德鲁伊协会。Malfurion began teaching them, and he eventually established the Cenarion Circle, Azeroth's druidic organization.

引言简要介绍了国内外学术界对督伊德教的研究状况及本文的选题意义。The introduction briefly introduces the condition of Druidic research and the significance of choosing this topic.

他能通过德鲁依的力量进入一个狂暴的状态,甚至能呼唤强大的熊灵来帮助他。Using druidic powers, he can enter a state of almost rabid frenzy, and even call powerful bear companions to aid him.

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不少男性暗夜精灵加入了玛法里奥的行列学习德鲁伊之术,其中很多都是过去月亮守卫中的一员。A number of night elf men joined Malfurion in studying the druidic arts many of them former members of the Moon Guard.

一年一度的斯通亨奇庆祝活动是纪念一年中最长的一天并以天亮时达到高潮的德鲁伊式仪式著称。The annual Stonehenge celebration marks the longest day of the year and features druidic rites that culminate at sunrise.

不少男性暗夜精灵加入了玛法里奥的行列学习德鲁伊之术,其中很多都是过去月亮守卫中的一员。A number of night elf men joined Malfurion there and studied the druidic arts, many of them former members of the Moon Guard.

古代的督伊德教火节已经被“新世纪”的追随者复苏,这些人曾在爱丁堡历史上的奥尔顿山聚集在了一块。The ancient Druidic Fire Festival has been revived by "New Age" followers who gather on the historic Calton Hill in Edinburgh.

塞纳留斯从灌木丛的阴影处缓缓步出打破了他们愉快的交谈,三人被震慑住了。The laughing trio was shocked into silence when Cenarius stepped out of a shadowed thicket and offered to teach them the druidic arts.

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当我求教建筑的方法,他们说大部分建筑是用德鲁伊的魔法创造的——骗人!When I inquired about the method of construction, I was told the majority of the buildings were created using druidic magic — cheating!

同样的,槲寄生在用于施巫术或德鲁依咒语时,可让妇女无助和乐于性关系。Similarly, mistletoe, when used in the casting of Wiccan or Druidic spells, could render a woman helpless and open to sexual exploitation.

塞纳里奥,艾泽拉斯大陆上首要德鲁伊组织和任何官方组织都不存在关系,他们除了自己外谁都不卖帐。Unaffiliated with any specific government, the primary druidic organization on Azeroth, the Cenarion Circle, answers to no one save itself.

法师并不与德鲁伊魔法冲突,因为现实社会中德鲁伊信徒也可以当法师。Although, the definition of magi does not contradict a druidic source of magic, as there can be magi within druidism by real-world definition.

凯撒也注意到了德鲁伊教对部族灵魂守护者的意识,他翻译成为Dispater,还有冥王父亲的普遍意识。Caesar also notes the druidic sense of the guardian spirit of the tribe, whom he translated as Dispater, with a general sense of Father Hades.

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德鲁伊教的知识是由大批记住的诗句组成,我们也得知完成学习课程须要二十年的时光。Druidic lore consisted of a large number of verses learned by heart and we are told that sometimes twenty years were required to complete the course of study.

德鲁伊教的知识是由大量记住的诗句组成,我们也得知完成学习课程需要二十年的时间。Druidic lore consisted of a large number of verses learned by heart, and we are told that sometimes twenty years were required to complete the course of study.

从琐碎的材料我们得知,它表现出深深的传统,保守派的德鲁伊教团员保留着知识和文明的仓库。From what little we know of late druidic practice it appears deeply traditional and conservative in the sense that the druids were conserving repositories of culture and lore.