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这啤酒走味了。The beer is flat.

车胎瘪了。The tyre is flat.

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我的轮胎没气了。I have a flat tire.

我的轮胎没气了。I have a flat tyre.

我们用锤子把它敲平。We hammered it flat.

事故发生后,一个后轮发生了爆胎。A rear tyre was flat.

这是十足的无赖作风。This is flat knavery.

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他感到生活乏味。Life seems flat to him.

他正在寻购一套单元房。He's looking for a flat.

每辆车子应带一个备胎。Our car had a flat tire.

这辆汽车的轮胎没气了。The car tires were flat.

地板很平。The floor is quite flat.

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这啤酒走气了。The lager has gone flat.

他仰面平躺在地上。He fell flat on his back.

可能是平的也可能是突起的。It can be flat or raised.

我的头扁而宽。My head is flat and wide.

租了商店楼上的一层楼!Rent a flat above a shop!

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这个公寓房很舒适。This flat is comfortable.

他们住在一套小公寓里。They live in a small flat.

他已搬到一套新的公寓里。He had moved to a new flat.