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我只是一个漫画家。I am a cartoonist.

夏达,30岁,来自杭州的一名漫画家。Xia Da, 30, a cartoonist in Hangzhou.

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著名美术片导演、漫画家。Renowned art film director and cartoonist.

“蓝精灵”的创造者皮尤于1992年去世,享年64岁。The cartoonist Peyo died in 1992 at age 64.

加菲猫是漫画家吉姆·维斯的笔下产物。Garfield is the creation of cartoonist Jim Davis.

漫画家细川的想法就很有代表性。Hosokawa cartoonist on the very idea of representation.

漫画家能否再像以前一样,作为艺术家而生存?Can cartoonist ever live as a real artist as they used to be?

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我开始结交朋友,还加入了校报,为报纸画漫画。I joined the school newspaper, became something of a cartoonist.

除了文学大师所具有的才华外,他还是个很有天赋的漫画家。With all histalentas wordsmith, he was also a gifted cartoonist.

除了文学大师所具有的才华外,他还是个很有天赋的漫画家。With all his talent as a wordsmith , he was also a gifted cartoonist.

毅力是曼考夫的眼里一个漫画家的重要品质之一。Fortitude is one of the qualities Mankoff is looking for in a cartoonist.

似乎美国最优秀的漫画家正活跃于画坛--奥列芬特,来自澳大利亚。Probably America's greatest cartoonist now active, Oliphant is from Australia.

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1906年的一天,一位名叫塔德.多甘的报社卡通编辑去观看棒球赛。On day in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist named Tad Dorgan went to a baseball game.

书中配有80幅彩色插图,插图作者为著名漫画家阿桂。The book contains 80 color illustrations, drawn by Ah Gui, a famous cartoonist.

左晋的幽默气质,更好地用在了他的动漫事业上。Zuo Jin's style of humor has also served him well in his career as a cartoonist.

作为回敬,普利策重新委任另一位卡通画家创作另一个黄孩子。In response, Pulitzer commissioned another cartoonist to create a second yellow kid.

很多人,包括漫画家亚当斯,都试图让这种办公室格局更加人性化。Lots of people, including cartoonist Adams, have tried to humanize the sterile cubicle.

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漫画家突发奇想,要以七十二变的孙悟空来象徵中华民国。One cartoonist symbolized the ROC with the loveable monkey king from Journey to the West.

金尼自称是一个“失败的漫画家”,但他当然已经有了一个值钱的版权。Kinney calls himself a "failed cartoonist", but he certainly has built a winning franchise.

本书配有80幅彩色插图,绘制者为著名漫画家阿桂。This book includes 80 color illustrations, which were drawn by Ah Gui, a famous cartoonist.