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对订阅启动复制。Start replication on subscriptions.

复制的近义词是粘贴。Replication is the near-synonym paste.

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这里当然就是重复的BWell, of course it's a replication of B.

复制只限于用户定义的表。Replication is limited to user defined tables.

复制和故障转移方案是什么?What about replication and failover scenarios?

什麽是连接酶的作用在脱氧核糖核酸复制的?What is the function of ligase in DNA replication?

在两个预订中映射复制的表。Map the tables for replication in both subscriptions.

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这些服务器必须位于同一个复制域。These servers must be in the same replication domain.

这个子树的复制拓扑应该像下面这样The replication for this subtree should look like this

例如,数据复制和同步就是一个大问题。For example, data replication and sync is a big problem.

更改日志数据和复制更改数据更加安全。Change log data and replication change data is more secure.

数据存储以前称为复制代理。Datastores were formerly referred to as replication agents.

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而且事实上,在大部分的科学领域里抄袭是很少见的。But, in truth, replication is rare in most areas of science.

它产生了一种值得全非洲仿照的模式。It produced a model worthy of replication throughout Africa.

杆状病毒DNA解旋酶是病毒复制所必需的。DNA helicases are essential for replication of baculoviruses.

通用后端用户库复制工具的工作原理How the generic back-end user repository replication tool works

您可以使用复制监视器查看此作业的状态。The status of this job can be viewed using Replication Monitor.

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数据复制可以对数据进行实时或是近实时访问。Data replication can access data in real-time or near-real-time.

重新在域控制器然后连接到复制拓扑。The domain controller then reconnects to the replication topology.

没有一个实验是可以精确地复制前一个实验。No experiment can possibly be an exact replication of a previous one.