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最后这段话概括性很强。The last paragraph is a succinct summary.

通常来说,越简洁的文章,越具说服力。Generally the more succinct a paper the more compelling it is.

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代码十分简洁并且在运行时非常高效。The code is fairly succinct and is very efficient when it runs.

作家努力把他的想法浓缩成一篇简练的文章。The writer managed to distil his ideas into one succinct article.

作家努力把他的想法浓缩成一篇简练的文章。The writer managed to distil his ideas into one succinct article.

简洁是智慧的灵魂,冗长是肤浅的藻饰。Succinct is the wisdom soul, long is the superficial embellishments.

这些文字很容易被忽视,所以要做得简洁易读。Such text tends to be ignored, so make it succinct and easy to read.

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网页摘讯是网页中较常更新的简要讯息。Microsummaries are regularly-updated succinct summaries of web pages.

其外形简练朴素,没有过度的浮华。Its contour succinct simple, does not have the excessive ostentatiousness.

无论和经理还是和同事说话,都要简洁直接。Whether you're talking to a manager or a coworker, be succinct and direct.

所以没有简明的办法对它的正式定义做出解释。So there is no succinct way to explain and justify its official definition.

这样就把前两张表格的信息,更简明地表述出来了So this is a nice succinct way of recording what was in the previous two tables.

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以北京375路车运营线路为实例,得到了简洁的GA公交车辆调度结果。Such as No. 375 bus, the succinct dispatching results of PTV with GA are gained.

你要以非常全面和简洁的方式表达出自己的观点。write and to be able to express your ideas in a very comprehensive and succinct way.

所以,现在,你在写自己的简历时,最好以简洁的“概要”作为开头。You'd do far better now to start off your resume with a succinct "executive summary."

使用字符类比清楚说明所有标点符号更简洁。The character class is more succinct than spelling out all the punctuation characters.

可以用六句华丽的句子来叙述的一件事情为什么要用一句简洁的重点句来代替呢?Why offer a succinct bullet point when you can say the same thing in six flowery sentences?

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不过,我确实喜欢你们的四字成语,简练而生动。But really, I do love your four-word proverbs and idioms. They are so succinct and expressive.

从等强度概念出发,推出一个据以选取渐开线齿轮齿数的简单、实用公式。This paper advanced a practical and succinct formula for tooth number choice of involute gear.

此作的画面简洁得很,在一片“绿洲”中,几条渔舟撒下了大网。The tableau of this photograph is rather succinct. Among the oasis several fishers cast vast nets.