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我没有试验使用大和炮。I did not try using Yamato.

大和号及其护航舰上超过4000名船员阵亡。Over 4,000 men who had sailed aboard Yamato and its escorts were dead.

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吴是至今人类建造过的最大战列舰“大和号”的母港。Kure was the home base of the largest battleship ever built, the Yamato.

和式家具与中国明清家具一样,是东方传统家具的瑰宝。Yamato furniture and Ming furniture are both the gem of orient tradition.

在维侬有家维侬大和餐厅很不错,但是稍微远一点。There is a good one at Vernal Yamato in Vernal , but it's a bit far from here.

但斯泰森却将目光盯住了位置更好的大和号,这艘巨舰舰身已经严重倾斜。But Stetson had just gotten a good look at the Yamato. The ship appeared to be listing badly.

历史上真正的大和号和她的姊妹舰武藏号是人类建造过的最大的战舰。The real Yamato was, along with its sister ship the Musashi, the largest battleship ever built.

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叮当猫公司的山本后藤说,多数顾客都是幻想驾驭自己的英雄机器人的男性。Most customers, says Yamato Goto of Robot Okoku, are men who had fantasies of piloting their hero robots.

近代蜕变成为军国主义的精神工具,引领日本走上了侵略扩张道路。As the spirit tool of the militarism, it guided Yamato walk up the invasive road abroad in modern history.

当伊藤的大和舰队向西南转向,全速驶向冲绳时,天气渐渐变坏。As Ito turned the Yamato task force southwestward, racing toward Okinawa, the weather turned increasingly sour.

大和号重70,000,0吨,配有19门18英寸的火炮,可将炮弹射出25英里远。Weighing 70, 000 tons, the Yamato was fitted with nine 18-inch guns that could lob an explosive shell 25 miles.

周五,太和人寿——一家规模中等的保险公司——申请破产保护,这是日本7年来首家破产的人寿保险公司。On Friday Yamato Life, a medium-sized insurer, filed for bankruptcy, the first Japanese life insurer to go under in seven years.

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在日本国内,大和号被击沉的消息被严格封锁,没有公之于众,这一消息由米内光政海军大臣向天皇进行了秘密报告。In Japan, news of the Yamato disaster was withheld from the public. It fell to Navy Minister Mitsumasa Yonai to inform the emperor.

如同大合炮,星际巡洋舰需要较长时间来聚集能量发射“等离子鱼雷”。As with the Yamato cannon, a battlecruiser needs to build up a sufficient reserve of energy to unleash a plasma torpedo bombardment.

此后日本进入“汉风”时期,全面学习中国古籍,日本文字也得到了极大的发展。We could speculate that the using field of Chinese characters was expanded in Japan Yamato dynasty according to these ancient books.

日本竹文化既体现了日本民族的生活习惯、心理素质和审美情趣,又展示了日本民族的内心世界和精神追求。It embodied not only Yamato living habits, psychological quality and aesthetic sentiment but also their inner world and spiritual pursuits.

当追踪者在已经用大和炮瞄准他的战巡发射前瞬移,会发生什么?What happens if a Terran Battlecruiser targets a Protoss Stalker with the Yamato Cannon but the Stalker blinks away before the shot is completed?

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架空的金刚级代舰,上图使用16寸大和级新炮塔,下图使用老式战舰上拆除的炮塔。Hypothetical Kongo replacements. The first uses 16" guns in new "Yamato" style turrets, the other uses turrets recycled from the older Battleships.

如果你想去的话,可以搭火车从撒伯利到通顿,走车站的北面出口,再问“维侬大和”,差不多走五分钟就到了。If you'd like to go there, take a train from Salisbury to Taunton. Leave the station by the North Exit and ask for "Vernal Yamato". It's only about a five-minute walk.